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· Ever!afling Life In HeaveH. . · 19~ but the condition being broken, the benefit promis'd was lofi; heaven's gates were fhut agaiBfi·Adam and all his natural feed. Howbeit, Chrifi the fecond Adam having undertaken to fulfil th€ condition of the fecon.d covenant, which was {l:a:,red from an exaCt confideratt– on of the demands, that the broken fid1: covenant had on his fpi ritual f~ea: . there was a new promife of it~ . made in their favour; ~nd it abfolute. And to his fulfilling of that condition, both the making arid per– f orming 0f this promife, are owing allenarly. None other's works, but his, could ever have avail'd to re– duce the forfeiture, and pm·chafe a new tight : and his wor,ks do it fo effettua}Jy, that they fecure the put– ting , all, his ~eed in aCtual poifeffion of the purchafed\ inheritance; fo that they jhalt reign in life, by one Jefus Chrifl, Roffi:. v. 17. This ts the promife of the covenant, which is t'he lafi of all in performing ; as being the c::onfummat'ion -of all the refr, not to be accomplifh'd until the myjfery ofGod be fini!h'd. The old-Tefiament faints died in the faith 0£ it ; and it is .not as yet perform' cl tO' them: nay; the New-Tefl:ament faints have died• and fiill muJl di~, in the faith of it; not having it per.. forrri'd to them neither, till it be at once accomt?Hih .. ed ' tf.) the ·whole feed together, at the end ofd~e world. Thus, this promife remains to be an unfeen object of £1ith to the church militant ; and to the church trium– phant too, whofe flefu mufi refl in hope till that' day 1 / Pfalm xvi. 9· But, becauf<;: the term prefix'd for per– forming thereof, is, in: the depth of Sovereign wifdom, : for reafons beco,ming the Divine perfecrions, fet at. filch a difhmce: there have been fOline fignal pledg~s\ given of it,. to confirm the churches faith in the cafe. Sueh ·Was the tranflating of Enocb, fo.ul al'ld body in– to heaven,. in the patriarchal period ; E!ias, in the: time of the law;. and our bleif<:d SaviQur, in;dle·time< of tl\ e gofoel. · · \ 4 . N ~ This.