.194 . · Inference from the · Th~s promife is grafted upon the promife of a gloa. rious exaltation made to Chrifi ; by which was fe- · cur'd to him his afcenfioFl, in foul and body, into hea– ven, and entring in ro his glory, Luke xxiv. 26' Ought npt Chrifl: to h~ve fuffered ' thefe things, and to enter . into his glory ?' Both th,efe :were necdfary in refpefr of the covenant : his fufferi.ng was neceffary in refpeB: of the condition there0f, wh ich behov'd to be' fuHill'd by him ; and his entring into his glory'was r.eceffiuy, in refpect of the promife thereof, which behov'd to be fulfill 'd unto him. Now Chrifi afcended and entred into glory, as a pub1ick perfon, as a' Fore-runner en– tring for us, Heb. vi. 20. And therefore the promife in virtue ' qf which he afcended and entred into it, cornprebends the afcenfion and glory of all his myfii. ~al members, who are therefore. fa id to ' fit together 'in l}eavenlyplaces in Chrifi]efus,' Eph.ii.6. And then, arid no rt ili then,will the protnife be perfecrly fulfill'd to him,when all themyfiical members are perfonally there, together with their Head ; when the whole feed per– fect~y recovered from aeath, fuaH reign there, toge· ' ther ·with him, in life, for evermore. , And this iliall fuffice, to have been faid here, of the promife of eternal life, in the kfi Period thereof. I Inference from the Promi.fe ofeternal Life. Thus we have opened th_e promife of eternal life tO' the elect, with the effects thereof on them, in its fe– veral Periods; to wit-, before 'their union with Chrifi, I and then from their union with Chrifi until death, and finally, from. their death, 'through eternity: the whole ·fpringing out of the promifes peculiar to Chr~fl him· fe]f. For as thefe lafi were fulfilled, in preferving the Root o.f Jeffe, riotwithfianding of the various changes that family did undergo, in wHich it was often in ha·– zard of extinCtion ; until fuch time as Chrifi fprung . out of it, as a foot out o.f dry ground, If:1 . xi. I,f. to· aud liii. 2. And then, in carrying him up, and cz.rry- ~