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' . The Promife ofEternal Life: . .I9S fing him through, in his work ; notwithfianding of ,, the load of imputed fin that .Jay upon him, and th<r oppofition he met with, from the world, and the powers of hell, engaged againil: him, Ifa. lxix. 8. and }. 7, 8, Q,. And finally, in raifing ,hi!ll from the dead,. taking hirn up·into heaven, and glorifying him there. fur ever an~ ever, I Tim. iii. 10. Even fo the pro– mife of eternal life to the elect, included therein, is . fulfilled, in preferving qf them in their unconverted fiate, till fuch time as they are united to Chrifi &y faith: and then, in carrying them up, and carrying them thn:mgh, in favour and communion with God, duripg ·the whole time of their continuance in this world ;· n0twithil:anding of all the oppofition from the devil, the wo.rld, and the i1eih : and lafily, in raifing them up .at t he Jafi day, and receiving them foul and body into heavem, there to be ever with the Lord. • . And now from the whole of what bath been faid on that point, ·we deduce the fo_llowing Inference, to · wit, that ' all the benefits of the covenant of grace, beflow'd or to be befiow'd on finners, are the ·fure mercies of David,' Ifa. Jv. 3· This may be taken up in thefe three things following. · 1. They're all of them r.nercies, pure mercies with· · out refpeet to any worthinefs in the receivers. They all are free-grace gifts : for the covenant is to us, a covenant' of grace, from·the fidl: to the bfi, Eph. ii.. 7· ' That in ages to come, he might fuew the exceed– ing riches of his grace,· in his kinpnefs towards us, ' through Chrifl: Jefus. Ver. 8. \ ' For qy grace are ye ' faved, through faith, and that not of -yourfelve.s, it is the gift of G od. The receiving of believers into glory, i~, after all their working, as much of free grace ; as ·. is the quickning o£~hem~ when being dead in fin, they could do no good work at all. They have their faith an.d tl!eir works, their grace and . their glory, their temp? ral and their eternal gDod things, all of them equally offree grace : for they are all fecured to them ' · N 3 ' in,