196 Inferencefr~m &c. in, and flow from, the promife of the covenant made before the world began; and are founded on a ground, which they had no manner of hand 'in the laying of. 2. They all are the mercies of David, that is, of Jefus Chrill: the Son of .David. His obedience and death are the alone channel, wherein the free grace · ef'the covc.mant runs, bringing along with it all thefe mercies, Eph. iL 7.{'Tis to. tl1e holine!s ofj:lis nature, the righteoufi1efs of his life, and the fatisfaCl:ior1: made by his death, tht:y are all owing: for upon thefe alone, · and upon nothing in us, whether before or after con .. · yerfion, is the promife of eternal life founded. Our helievlQg through grace, while others continue in uti– belief; our feeihg God in glory, while others are cafl: into OtHer daPknef::; ; the bread we eat, and the water we d.rink, in tb.is 1ife, together with the hidden mant:Ja we fhall eat of, and the rivers of pleafures we .£hall drink of in heaven ; are all equally the purchafe ofour Redeemer's blood. · Lafl!y, They are aU .of them fure mercies; What ef them the faints have already got, they could not have milfed of,~ ancl what oftl1em they have not as yet received,. js as fore as if thev had it in hand, 2 Sam, XKiii. 5· 'David perceived t~~tthe Lord had confirm ~ ed him king over Ifrad ;' and that upon this ground, .~- 'For his kingdom was lift up on high,' 1 Chron. xiv. 2.Now Saul's kingdotn was lift up on high too: and yet he loft: it. But David had his kingdom by the cove· nant; Saul, not .fo: heace the former, feeing the pro– mife begin to be accomplifu'd, rightly concluded, that it would hold on till it was fully perform'd; notwith– flanding that the. latter fell fi:om his excellency. Un– covenanted mercles ..are tottering mercies; but the eo.. venant mercks are fore. Th.e{former ·may flow plen– tifully for a while, and y·et at ·Iength' be quite dried up for ever : but the fpring of the latter, being one€ o- . rened, will flaw for evermore, without interruption .. 'fhe prornife is infall-ibly fure, and ~annot mifcarry.: I 'tlS