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'198' 'The ·.Adminijlration of, ~c." mife of the cQvenant of grace fiands always entire to – ~hei:n, notwithfianding ofall their failures ; and mufr 11eeds .fiand fo, in virtue of the condition of the co– venant already performed, and judicially fu!l:ained as performed, by Jefus Chrifi, for them. And tho' they are fallible in refpea of their acrions, as long as they are in this world; yet, from the moment of their u'ni· on with Chrifi by faith·, they are not fallible _in re– fpecr of their fiate : they can no inore faH out of their fiate of grace, than the faints, in heaven can. Hence, even in their cafe there is no place for the curfe, or . eternal, the only penalty by which they fuould lofe their right to th~ promife ofthe covenant. They ~re indeed liable to God's fatherly anger arid chaflije– ments for their fins : Jorafmuch as, by thefe thete is no intercifion of their 'right to the promife ; and that they are not vindi[tive, but medicinal : they cannot be accounted a proper penalty ofthe covenant ofgrace, how~ver they may be improperly focalled; but do really belong to the promiffory part, and adminifiration, of ~he.covenant.Pfalm Ixxxix. 30,3 r, 32, 33, 34· If.1. xxvii. 9· Heb. xii. 5, ,6, 7· where the condition of a co– venal}t is fully perform'd, and legally (ufiain'd as fuch j_n favour. of the party, who is to receive the benefit promifed .; it is evident, there can be no more place for a proper penalty of the covenant, on that fide : and f6 it is here, in "the cafe of believers. . And thus we have difpatched the third head, name• ly, 'The Parts ofthe Covenant. H E A D IV. The Adminifiration of the Co'l:Je_nant ofGrace. I T remains now to ·confider the adminifiration of the Covenant. And; fince the falvation of fin– n~rs doth entirely depeqd on this ,covenant; and th2t ' • · all