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, Chrifl the Adminiflrator, &c. 199 .all the difpenfations ofGod towards them, for carry• ing on and compleating that glorious ~efign, are re– gulated according to it ; and fince withal it is in itfelf · the deepefi fecrer, being a comp:H:t entred into be• twixt the Father and the Son, before the world be– gan : it is altogether neceffary, that there be an admi- , nifiration of it, whereby it may be rendred effectual, to the end for which it was ruade. And hereofwe'Jl have a view, by confidering, (I.) The party on whom the adminifiration of the covenant is devolved; (2.) The object of the adminiflration ; (3.) The – ends of it ; and (4.) The nature of it. Of all which in order. I. Chr~/1 the Adminifirator of the Covenant. S U CH is the nature of the thing, the weight and importance of this" adminiflration, that none who was not fit w be a party contracter in the cove– nant, could be meet to be entrufied therewith. Wherefore, the _adminifi.ration of the covenant, was dc:vofved upon no mere man nor angel, but on the ·Lord Jefus Chrifi the fecond Adam : and he bath it, by the covenant itfelf, as a reward of his work. It was therein made over to him by promife ; particu– larly, by . the pr'omife of a glorious exaltation, to be the Father's honorary Servant, prime Minifier ofhea-_ ven, mentioned before, and now to be more fully and difiinctly unfolded·. It was for this caufe the ldjf Atlam was made .a quickning Spirit, as faith the text, 1 Cor. xv. 45· with which we !hall compare the promife. Ifa. xlix. -8. I 'Will - give thee for a covenant of the people. Thefe are the Father's words to Chrifi ·the fecon'd .Adam, the great Surety-fervanr, chofen to _make re– paration of the1 injury done 'to the honour of God by the fpiritual !frae!, Ver. 3· the light o.f the Gentiles, V er. 6. which is none other but he, Luke ii. 3 2. All:s ~iii. A7. whofe appearing in the world made the acceptable