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.. D/ the Covenant. 2ot blind, nor there who will needs live in darknefs, be– caufe they hate the light. This honour was fecured to him, in the promiffory part of the covenant, in confideration of his fulfilling the condition,ary part thereof. . ' Now, that Chrifi is, by th~ authority of heaven conlEtute or made the covenant, imports thefe two things, ( r.) He is confiitute the Adminill:rator of the covenant: as he had the burden o( purchafing the pr9mifed benefits; fo he hath the honour ofdill:ribut– ing and conferring them on finners.· This meaning of the phrafe appears from the following ·wqrds, de– daring the end of this conll:itution; To ell:ablifh the earth, to caqfe to inherit the defo~ate heritages ;' Ver. 9· ' ·That thou mayefi fay to the prifoners, Go forth.' " See Chap. xlii. 6, 7· (2.) The whole of the covenant is in him : fo that he .that bath Chrill:, hath the co– venant, the wh9le of the covenant .; he that bath not Chrifr, bath no faving part nor lot in it. This is the native import of this unufual phrafe, occurring only here, and ch,ap. xlii. 6. ·and is confirmed ·by \he fol– lowing words, to ejlablijh the earth. A covenant is an efiablilhed thing. When the firll: covenant was broken, the foundations of the earth were, fo to fpeak, loofened, that it could no more fiand firm, until Chrifi was ' given for a covenant, to efiablilh it again : he bore up the pillars thereof, in virtue of the new covenant in himfelf. And if his admini.fl:ration of the covenant were once at an end on the earth-- the earth 'will fiand no longer, but be reduced to athes~ The faying concerning the facramental cup, 'This cup is the New Ttjlam(mt in my blood, 1 Cor. xi. 25. is /()mewhat a-kin to the expreffion in the ' texr, and ferves to confirm the fenfe given of it. For it furely bears, ( r.) That the facramental cup is the miriifira– tion ofthe New Tefiament to believing receivers ; fo that receiving the one in faith, they receive the other too. (4.) That the New Tefiament is in ,Chrifl:'s blood· ' j)