~ot Chrifl the Adminifirato,. blood; (o that their communion of the benefits of the Tefiarneot, is' by their communion of the bloodof Chr~(l, 1 Cor. x. 16. . Now, from thefe texts compared, it appears, That the,..adminifiration of the c_ovenant of grace is devol- , yed on Jefus Chrifi the feconcl Adam, for that end · made a quickning Spirit, having the whole of the co– vemmt in him. This· conO:itu tion, lodging the adminifiration of the covenant in the perfon of the 'Mediator Chrifi Je .. fus is at once fuited to the glory of God, the c;1fe of . finners, and the honour of Chrifi himfelf. , Firjl, 'Tis fuited to the glory of God the offended · party, In the face of Je/us the Adminiilr_ator, fhines forth the glory ~fthe God of the covenant, 2 Cor. iv. 6. His fpotlefs holinefs, , and tremenduous juO:ice, ap– pear there. ; toge ther with his matchlefs love, freefi: grap'· ~'; and tenderefi mercy. God is in Chrifr, re:. conciling the world to himfelf; with tl).e fafety of his glory, giving forth his peace and pardons freely, without any merit of the receivers, . and yet not with– out {uflicient fatisfacrion to his juilice, ,and comp~nf:1tiono( his injured honour ; as from a throne ·ofgrace fiablilhed upbn juftice fatisfied, and judgment fully execute, the firm bales thereof. Secondly, 'Tis fuited to the cafe of finners the of– fending party. ill Chrift the Adminifirator of the covenant, they have to do with God, whole rays of majefiy,_ that the guiltY' are not able to behold, are vail'd with the robe of a fpotlefs humanity. An in· viting f\veetne fs appt: ai·s in the face of the Admini– flrator, full of /!,race an.d truth, John 1 i. 14. In him they may fee their fillvation fo dear to the God that made them, that he himfel f would put on their na· ture, to efiablilh by his own blood, a ~ovenant of peace between Heaven' and them. He ~s true man, of the fc1me family of Adam with themfelves; unto :whom therefore· they may confidently draw near, joining