· ' fJ[ the Covenant. · , 203 joining themfclves unto him as the Head ofthe cove– nant: and withal, he is the true God, undoubtedly abl~ to make the covenant effectual for their falvation, notwithfianding of all their unworthinefs. . 'lhirdly, 'Tis fuited to the honour of Ch-rifi him– felf, the peace-maker, who bath it as the reward of his work. Jafeph, being fold for a bond-fervant, be· - hav'd himfdf with all meeknefs, patience, and faith– .fulm~fs in that low charaCter ; the which was after– wards, by a,ll· ruling proviJe.nce, abundantly rewarded with honour in his being advanced to be the prime minifier of rhe kingdom of Egypt, having the admi– nifirarion of the whole kingdom committed to him, Pfal. cv. 17.--22. Herein he was a type of Chrifi.. The Lord Jefus did voluntarily {ubmit himfelf to the lowefi fiep o(reproach and difgrace, ·taking upon him the form of a bonq·fervant, and humbled himfelf in that form, even unto thcdeath of the crofi ; and that . to perform the . condition of the covenant, for the glory of God and the falvatio~ of his people: and therefore he was exalted to 'the highefi pinacJe of ho– nour, being advanced to the prime minifiry of hea- . ven, having the adminifiration of the covenant put into his hanp, ruling over all under his Father ; whereby is_given him a name ~vhich is above every name, whether of men, or angels, all things being put un,dr:r hij feet, Philip. ii. 7, S, 9· Eph. i. 20, 2 l, 22, 2 _~. In refpecr hereof, he is often called the Father's Servant, namely, his honorary Servant: and . , his honour in that charafter, is often promifed to be · made very great, , lfi1. xlix. 6. and liii. 13, q, 15. , Zech. iii. 8. with vi. 12, 23. · And forafinuch as the eveaafiing covenant :will continue to be the ground and rule of God's difpen– farions towards his people for everni.or_e, by the con-· fiitution lodging the ~dniinifiration of the covenant in the perfon of Cbrifi ; he is to e6joy that honour and dignity for ever and ever. for unto the Son he foitb'J)