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204 Chrifl the-Adminiftrator, &c. . faitb~ Thy throne, 0 God, is for ever ai1d ever, Heb, i. 8. Even of his kingdom which is given him, 'that is, his n1ediatory kingdom and adminifiration, there fhall be no end, Luke i. 32, 33· The time comes in– deed, wherein ·he will de:liver up the kingdom to God, even the Father; prefenting to him at the lafi day 1 the whole church,and every member thereof, broucrhr, by ~1is adminifirnion, according to his.cQmmiffi'on, into a !late of perfeCtion. And then cometh the end, 1 Cor. xv. 24. Namely'· th(} end of the world, but not the end of his adminifiration; for being,confii. tute :-\dminifirator of the covenant, ' There·was given him dominion and glory, and a kingdom : and his ,dominion is an everlafiing dominion, which thall not· pafs away; (as the world !hall,. Cor. vii. 31.) ' and his kingdoin that which !hall not be de~royed; (as all the four monarchies have been) Dan. vii. •l4. And thus we have feen Chri!l: to. be the party on whom the 'adminifiration of the covenant is devolv'd,. il. SinnerS' of Mankind, the Object o/ the Admini~ flration of the Covenant. The objelt of the adminiftration of the eovenant. is jinners ofmankind indefi·nit<;ly: that .i$ to fay,Chrift is impowered by commiffion from his Father to ad.. minifirate the covenant of grace to any of all man..– kind, . the finners of the £·unily of Adam witheut ex- , ception : ,he is authorized to receive the-m into the eo· venant, and to confer on. them al1 the benefits there– cif, to their eternal falvation; according to the fettled order of the covenant. The eleB:ion qf particular perfons is- a.fecret, not to be difcover~d in the admi· ~ifira~ion of the covenant, according to the efiablifh· ed order thereof, till fuch time as the finner: have re· ceived the covenant, by coming perfonally into it.. And the extent of the adminifl:ration is not founded on election; but on the fuffidency of Ghrifi's obedi- ' ence and. death,. for the falvation of all : n.flither is it re"'