Sinners Q.j Manki~d, &e. :105 reg:ulated thereby ; but by the fulnefs of power in heaven and earth, given to Jefus Chrifi, as a reward of his becoming obedient ev~n unto death. ' For confirming of this trutl_1,let the following thing» be conidered. Firfl, '"[he grant which the ' F~ther bath made. of Chrifi, as his ordinance for the falvation of loll finners of m<1nkind. In the cafe of the . lfraelites in the wildernefs, bitten by fiery Jerpr:nts, God infl:i– tuted an ordinance for their cure, r.amely, a brazen Jerpenl. lifted up. on ~pale; and made a granr there• of to whtJfoever would ufe . it for that ·pur pole, by looking to it. No body whofoever that needed heal... ing, was e}{.cepted : the g~;ant was conceived in the moil ample terms, Num. :xxi. 8. ' h iliall come to pafs, ·that e7!ery one· that is bitten ; when he looketh . upon it, fualllive.' So all mankind being bitten by the old f€rpent, the devil and fin, as his deadly. poi· fon, left in them. ; God bath appointed Jefus Cbrjfr the ordinat)ce of Heaven for their falvation. 'rhere ls a word of Divine appointment, paffed upon a cru– dfiedChrifr, making ·and c;onfl:huting him the ordi-. nance of God for falvatio-n o-.f'finners : and God bath ' made a gran.t ofhhn, as fuch, to whof(;>ever ofAJam's }of\: race will make ufe' qf bir;llt for th:at wurpofe, by believing on him; in the which grant, none of the world. 0f11nank1ad is ex(:epJed. All this is clear from / .Joha_iii. I~h. 15, 16. ' And as Mofes lifted up the fer– pent in the wildernefs, e:ven fo mufi the Son of man I be lifted up:· t~at whofoever be.fieveth inhi·m, .fuo;uld not peri!h~ but h.,ave eternal life. 1 For God fo ' loved the U'orld, that he gave his only begotten Son, that wh0f(j)ever bdieveth on him fhouJd not periili, but have e.verhfiiog life.' No.w, the adminHlration of the covenant being fettled in purfuan.ce of th~s grant, . the-r,eio mad€.. for a rew,ard.of the Me:diator's ob<i!di... · ence ; the .objeCt:· of the for-mer, <;;alil be no lefs exten· 1i¥e:, than. tbaJ. of the la.ttex. · . · · Secom!ly,