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2o6 Sinner-s of Mankind, the '. Secondly, The Ivlcdiator's commiffion for the adaa n1inifirarion is conceived in the mofi ample terms • and he is clothe_~ with moil: am pie powers, with re! a:. tion to tl:!at bufi.nefs. It carri.:s his adminifiribg the covenant, not only to the ~eek, the poor, the br 0 .. J.<.en hearted ; but to the captives, blind, bruifed, pri– foners, bond-men and broken-men, who have fold their inheritance and themfelves, and can have no hope of relief but by a jubilee, Luke iv. 18, 19. with Ifc1. ]xi. , 1, 2. \Vhat fort of finners of mankind can one imagine, that would not falJ in under fome of thefe denominations ? Chrifl: is indeed given for a co– venant of people ; not of this or that people, but of pe'ople indefinitely. 'All power is ·given him in hea– ven and in earth,' Matth. xxviii. 18 • .So there are none on earth excepted from his adminifiritig the .covenant to them. He is impowered to fave the guilty law-condemned world by admini!lring it to them: ' For God fent not his Son into the world to condemn the world ; but that the world through him might be . faved,' John iii. 17. Forafmuch as he is the ordinance of God for taking away the fin of the world, Chap. i. 29. tho' many to whom he offers the covenant; do refufe' it, and fo are not faved eventually. Accor-, dingly, from this fulnefs of power, he iifues forth the general offer of the gofpel; wherein all, without e~ception, are declared welcome, to come and fuck of the full breafis of the Divine confolatiorts, in the co– venant, Matth. xi. 27. ' All things are delivered un- - to me of my Father.' Ver. 28. 'Gome unto me all ye that labour, and heavy laden, and I will give you refi.' chap. xxviii. 18. 'All power is given unto me heaven and. in earth.' Ver. 19. 'Go ye therefore , 'and teach all nations.' Mark ' xvi. 15. 'Preach the gofpel to ~very creature.' · Thirdly, He executes his commiffion in an l!nham– pered manner, adminjfiring the covenant to any fin· ner of mankind, Prov, viii. 4· ' 0 men I - · call,