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Objetl ofthe Covenant. '2oj call, and my voice is to the fons of men.' The object of his adminifiration is not this or that party of man– kind, under this or the other denomina~ion; but men, any men, fons of men indefinitely. So the gofpel, in which he adminifiers th,e covenant, is.good tidiAgs to 111!people, Luke ii. 10. afea!l made unto alLpeople, Ifa. xxv. 6. · tho'. many, no~ reliihing the tidings never tajle of the feaft. Accor~ingly, he commiffionate his; apofl:les for that effect, in term,s than which none can imagine more extenfive, Mark xvi. 15. ' Go ye in~ to all the world, and preach the gofpel to every crea'<!' t11re.' The Jews called man the creature·, as being God's creature by way of eminency ; fo by every creature is meant every man. There are in the world,. fome men who, by reafon of their monfirous wicked– nefs, are like devils; there are other men who, by reafon of their favagenefs. f~em to differ but little from brutes: but our Lord faith here in effect, " ,Be what they will, if y'e can but know them to be men, afk no quefiions about them, on this head, what fort of men they are : being men, ·preach the gofpel to them, offer them the coyenant ; and if they will receive it, 'give them the feals thereof: my Father made them, I'll fave them." , · · Fourthly, If we enquire, Who they are· to whom Chrifi fiands related as a Saviour ? Or, w~ofe Saviour he is, acc'ording to the Scripture? We fina, that confidered as an atl:ual Saviour, faving actually and eventually, he is indeed only Saviour of the body, .Eph. v. 23. But confidered as an official Saviour, a Saviour by office, he is the Savir;ur of the world, r John iv. 14· John iv. 42. Thus one having a_com- , miffion to be, the phyfidan of a fociety; is the phyfi– cian of the whole fociety, by office; and fo !lands re1ated to every q1an ofthem, as his phyfician : how– beit, he is not actually a healer to any of them; but fuch as employ him. Tho' fome of 'that fociety fh,ould not employ him at all, but on every occafion call ano/- 0 ; ther