~oS · ~inners of Mankind, ·the · , .- ther phyfidan ; yet he is iiill their phyfician·byoffice: thpugh they lhoold_die of their difeafe, being av z. rfe from calling him; yet fiill i~ is· true, that he was their phyfician,. they might have cal1ed him, · and had his remedies; and it was putely their own . fault, that they were not healed by him. Even fo our Dorcl jefus . Chrifi hath heaven ·s patent, conflit~ting him the Sa– viour of the world; by :the authority of_hi5 Father he is invdled with that office : . and wherefoever the gof– pel comes, his · parent for that effect is intimate, 1 John iv. 1 4· ' And we: have feen, and do teitfy, : that the Father fent the Son to be the Saviour of [he world.' Wherefore, .nm1e ofu.s £hall p~ rifh:,fo r want ofa Saviour. Jefus Chriil: is the Spvirmr of the wodd; , he.is ·yourSaviour, ·. and tny Saviour, be our cafe what it will: . and God, in and by him, is · the Saviour of 4/l men _fPeqially of thoft that believe, 1 Tim. iv. 10. Hence Chri'ft's f:1lvation is tht common falvcltion, Jude 3· . And the gofpel is the grace of · Go.d tha.t bringetb folvation unto ail men,. Tit. ii. u. Marg. Chrifi then .fiands reht~d as a, S<!viour, b,y officc;i to the world of mankind ; he's their Saviour :. and he is ,fo related to ' ·every one of the.m, 'JS {inners, lofi finners, of that fociety, 1 Tt.m. i. ·15. ' Chrifi Jefus came into the world to fave finnets,' Luke ·-x·ix. · 10. ' .The Son of man is come to feek and to' tave .that which ~ is lofl:.' Let no man f.1y, ·. '~· Afas ! I have nothing to do with Chrifi, nor he with me ; for l'm ·a finner, . a lofi fin· ner ;" Nay, upon that very ground there ·is a relati– on between him and you. · Since you ar~ a finner of nnnkind, Chrifi is yo?r Saviqur; .for he is, by office, Saviq~ur of the f:1mily whereof your are a branch. If . you will employ_another than him, or pi ne away in your difeafe , rather than put yourfelves in his hand ; - ye do it upon your peril : but know affuredly, that you have ·a Saviour o,f your own, chofen of G_od for · you; whether you imploy -him or . not. ~ He is, by his ·Father'' appointment, the Phyfician of fouls, ye are the