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T'heEnJs .ofthe, &c~ · 2II who !hall believe, his receiving and embracing the cov~nant by faith, flull be as good and valid to enter him into it, as if he had perfonally fubfcribed it at the making thereof, , John iii. r6. Thus it is left open to mankind !inners, that they may come into it, taking place therein under Chrifl the Head ; and fo become , perfonally ~onfederate with heaven, to their eternal falvation. And there is room enough, within the (;Otn ~ pafs of the infinite Name of the fecorld Adam, for all of us to fubfcribe our little names. 'Wherefore nor– withfianding of all that have already fubfcrlbed, in that ~ame, faying, 1 am the Lord's, i. e. the Lord Chrifi's, Ifa~ xiiv. 5· Since Eve firfi fet down her name there, by believing the promife· firfi, whereby, lhe then com'menced, and acrually 'wa.r the mother of all living, Gen. iii. 20. yet the voice of the gofpel .frill is, and \Vill-be even to the end, And yet there i r t·oom; Luke xiv. 22. For ty'pifying which, Noah's ·ark. was, by the appointment of heaven, made all little ror;ms, Gen. vi. I 4· called in the margin there nejfs. Now the Mediator is authorifed to treat with linners, rebels to God, and fubjecrs of Satan's kingdom, to bring them over to Heaven's fide again; and for that effea, to adminifier the covenant unto them, to pro– pofe it to them, and gather them into the bond there.. of. Wherefore, having gone forth on that errand, he his earnefi'nefs in the work, Mat. xxiii. 37. How often ·would I have gathered thy children! and declares himfelfthe door .ofthejheep, John x~ 7, 9· , . Secondly, The management of them in th'e cove– nant, according to it, during their continuance in this W9rld. When finners are, . by the l'v1ediator·s adminifiration, brought within the bond of the eo~ yenant, they are not, henceforth, trufi<td with the management of themfelves and their frock; but their Hock being lodged with him, they are put under his band as their fole ·manager, the chief Shepherd am! Bijhop offouls, unto whofe overfight the firays once "· 0 3 re,turn·