2.12 T~e En;ls o.f'the . returned are commit.ed, l Pet. ii. 25. Whatever· they need, they mufheteive from hir~: he is to difpenfe all the benefits of the 'covenant, of whatever k1nd, un– to them : Are they to be jufiified ? He is to pafs the fentencc, ' Thy }ins be forgiven thee; Mat. ix. 2, 6. ' Are th~y to be brought into ·a new faving relation to God ? He is to give them power to hecome the fons of God,' John i. 12 Are they to be fonl1ified? He is to ·wajh, fanttify" and cleanft them~ "John xiii. 8. Eph. v. 26. And to g~ve them repentance, as well 2.s for- · ' givenefs of Gns, Acrs v. Jl. Are they to be caufed to perf.:vere ? He is to keep them, and to account for each one of them to his Father) John xvii. 12. Are they ro be feen to, in all their tempor~l concern~ ? "rhe care of them all lies upon him, 1 Pet. v. 7· He is our 'Jo(eph, who hath all the fior es of the covenant . in -his hand : and of him Gud hath faid, as Pharaoh fai~ to his familhingpeople, crying unto him for ~read · -Go to Jo(eph, Gen. ~li. S5· Moreover, they mufl: receive all their orders from him, touching their duty in all points. They mu'fl: receive the Jaw at his mouth; ftnce .it is by Him God fpeaks unto them, according to the eo:1fiitution of the covenant : for which caufe · · God hath given a (olemn charge to all the covenant– people, faying, ' · This is my beloved Sori, in whom 1 am well pleafed, hear ye him, Mat xvii'. 5· · . ~hird!y and !ajtfy, The cornpleating of their hap· p}nels, ac~ording to the coYenant, in the other world, I: ph,.· v. 2.7. ' That he· might prefent it to himfelf a gl~rious church, not having fpot or wrinkl e, or any . fi1ch thing: It is the comfort of believers that Jefus E;hrifl: admini11ers the covenan.t in this world ; fo that whatever part thereof they may be driven to; they can I !1(!Ver be driven to any part, unto vvh:ch his admini– Hration doth not extend. Howbeit, the mofl: glorious part of his ac!miniO:ration, takes its pl ace in the other world : for it i ~in heaven, th at the promifes of the cJvenant hav~ their perfeCt: accomplit111nent; the wl·,ich . I · ' 1nakes