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\. ~14 'fh~ Endofthe&c.· ·was fet on a throne at the ·end of the race, and gave the prize to fuch as won it. In the fpiritual race Chrifl: · acts both thefe parts. As performer of the conditioa of the covenant, in the courfe ofhis obedience,wherein he endured the crclfi, 'dejpifing the fhame, he is the Au· . ·thor pf our faith, or, the chief Leader, expreily called the Fore-:runner, chap. vi.· 20. 'in bringing many fans unto glory,' going on their head as Gaptain or chief Leader, chap. ii. 10. Then, as adminifirator of the covenant, he is the Fini!her of our faith, or the Per– fecter that gives the crown to the runners, and' is fet d~wn at the right-hand of the throne of G_od.' And thus i~ is his bufinefs to put the crown of glory on the heads ofthefe, whom by his grace he hath made conquemrs. From his hand Paul exp~cted it~ 2 Tim. h~. 8. 'Henceforth there is laid up' for me a crown of righteo~fnefs, which the Lord the righteous Judge' (to wit, Chrifi the Judge of the world) ' !hall give n1e at that day.' To him it belongs to grant to the over– cpmers ' to fit with him in his throne;' Rev. iii. 21. And therefore I cannot help thinking,' that the text, Mat. xx. 23. may fafely be read, without the fupple– ment, ' To fit on my right hand, and on the left, is npt mine to give, but to whom it is prepared of my Father..' So the particle but is ufed exceptively, 2 Cor. ii:5. for.fave, Mark ix. 8. The fu]nefs ,of.power gi– ven to the Mediator, comprehends all power in heave11 as well as in earth: accordingly, he prepares the place .for , his feveral people, in his Father's houfe, having the whole ~t his difpofal, as ad~inifir1ator of the cove– nant. And he is to adminifier the covenant to them, not on:ly at their .firfi entrance into the regions ofblifs, but all along through the a~es of eternity; being to remain the eternal hondofunion, and mean of i:fJmmu· nication betwixt God and the faints for ever, Heb. vii. 25. Rev vii. 17. And thefe are the ends of the adminifiration of the covenant. Follows ~· IV. 7he