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·314 The F:aith of Particular -·rhere's no faving faith without this : Chrifi's ability ~ to fave muft be believed, and that with application to your own cafe in particular, Matth. ix. 28. ' Be– lieve ye that I am able to do this ?' And in order hereunto, faith eyes Cbrifl:'s righteoufnefs as the righteoufne(s of God, and therefore of infinite value and efficacy, Philip. iii'. 9· 1 John i. 1· The reafon why the gofpel, and no other docrrine whatfoever, is the power of God unto folvation of fin'ners,, is, be– caufe therein is revealed the righteoujnefl of God un~ tofaith, Rom. i. 16; 17. and that's the only righ· teoufnefs fuited at once to the Divine perfeCl:ions and our_ cafe. (3.) An. acquiefcing in that way of fa lvati– on, for ourfelves in particular. The believer hath a cnrdial liking of it, for the way of his falvation, as perfecrly fafe, being ' the power of God, and the wifdom of God,' 1 Cor. i. 24. His foul pronoun– ceth them fafe and happy, that are in it ; he defires for his own part to be found in it; and is perfuaded he would be faved if he were in it. Thus faith acred in the woman difeafed with an i}/ue of bloCid7 Mat. ·) x . 2 I. ' She ·fa id within herfelf, if I may but touca his garment, I !hall be whole. And rhus it aCl:eth in all behe.vers, determining them to that way, and to ,that way alone, for their cafe in particular. f\.nd -here _unbelievers are always unfcttled. • .Fou,·tbly, A betaking one's fe]funto Chrifl: and his t righteoufnefs alone, for falvation from fin aad wrath• . This is done by this trufiing. For, the finner be- . lieving , that ~hrifi is his Saviour, and that his r ighteoufi1efs is made over to him by free gift; and withal, that this his Saviour, with his righteou.fnefs, . is fufficient to {zwe him ft·om .fin and wrath; dotb · ··accordingly truil: on Chrifi .and, his righteoufnefs for his own f.1fvation; and fo betake himfelf thereunto : 'even as a begga.r, once having, and withal believing himfelf to have, riches and wealth made over to him, · by a fr.iend:, leaves o.ff ·to beg, and, for his mainte– nance