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> • · Tru/1 for Salvation. · 315 nance truns to that wealth allenar1y ; and thereupon betakes himfelf to it. 'Tis true, that wealth being a corporal thing, to which there is a bodily motion; . the one's felf thereto, is not the fame thing with the trufiing to it; . howbeit ,the former is a na– tive confequent ·ofthelatter; . but Chrifi: and his righ• teoufnefs, as reveal'd tJntO faith, being things purely fpiritual, to which there is no bodily motion requifite, that we may betake ourfelves to ' them ; the trufling and betaking one's felf thereto, are one -and the fame. So, by this trufi:, the foul takes poffdiion of Chrifi and his righteoufnds; and ufeth the f:une as its own, to the pl.lrpofe of falvation. By it, the finner betakes himfelf, as a condemned man, unto Jefus Chriil as the propitiatory .mercy- feat through his blood, affor– ding fafety ·to the guilty, before a holy God : .and ~y it, the finner betakes himfelf, as a fick man, untd the fame Jefus the Phyfician offou_ls, having theful .. nefs of the Spirit of fanctification in him, to be corn• , municate. Accordingly, faith is caJled a coming to Chrifi; John vi. 35· A fieeitig for refuge, as ·one in hazard ofhis life by a purfuer, Heb. vi. 18. and is of– ten exprefs'd, as Pfalm ii. 12. by a ·\Vord, which pro– perly fignifies to retire, as into a jhadow, Judges ix. 15. or as the chickens ·do the wings of the hen, Ruth ii. 12. 'The Lord God of Ifrael, under whofe 4 wing~ thou art come"' to trufi ;' properly to retire. Compare .Matth. xxiii. 37. 'How often would I have . , gathered thy children together, eveti as a hen g~ther• - eth her chickens under her wings !' ,Lajlly, This truft of faith imports an affiance, . · · confidence, or trpfi on Chrifi and his righteoufnefs, that he will fave us from fin and wrath, according to .his promife fet before us in the gc{pel, ' Whofoever belicveth iri him !hall not perifh, ~ut have, everJafilng life.' lfa. x~v. 9· ' We have waited for him, and he will favc us.' Heb. iii. 6: 'Whofe houfe are we, if , we hold fafi the confidence.' If~. 1. 20. ' Let him tn1 fr