3 t6 · The Faith ofparticular · trufi in the name of the Lord, and fray upon his God! 1 And that this truH of f.1ith is thus particular, is evi– dent alfo from the nature of the thing. For whofo– ever trufi's in ·a perfon for any thing, bath a perfwafion, of the fame degree of fitnefs with the trufi, that that perfon will do that thing for him. And for a ft.1re token of thi;;, where th~ party tru.lled fai Is, the · party trufie,t is a£hamed and c~mfounded; as being difappointed in that, which he tru~ed he would do for him. Wherefore, fince the tru.ll of faith is never ditappointed, the Scriptpre dorh therefore a!fure us, that 'he that believeth on him fhall not be confoun~ ded,' I Pet. ii. 6. nor ajhamed, Rom. x. u. The whi<:h doth fufflcient~y intimate, That h~ 'that be!iev– dh on jefl1s Chrifl: for f:'llvation, doth h·ufl: that he will fave him : otherwife there could be no place for his being confounded or ajhamed, whatever lhould .be the event of his trufi. Accordingly, the trufl: of . faith, cloth, in proportion .to the firmnefs thereof, dlabli!h and fix the heart • Pfal. cxii. 7. ' His heart is fixed, trufiing in the Lord :'and hereof we have2 _-a plain in.llance in Paul's cafe, 2 Tim. i .. ,I 2. 'I am not - athamed, for I knq·~whom I have believeq/' Marg. or !ruJled. Agreeable hereunto, faith is called, in dfeet, a building on Chrifi, as upo~ a foun_dation that will bear our weight, Ifa. xxviii. r6. with 1 Pet. ii. 6. 'Tis ca1leda leaning upon him, Cant. viii. 5· a flaying on him, Ifa. xxvi. 3· a re/ling or rel)ling on him, ~ .Chron. xiv. 11. and xvi. 8. as upon one that ·'Will ,bear us up; a , looking unto him, Ifa. xlv. 22; having our eyes upon him, 2 Chron. x:x. 12. as one from whom we look f{)r help and falvation; and fi- \ nally believing on him, 1 Pet. ii. 6. as one. by whom we foal! be foved, Acts xv. I I. The finner being Jhaken out of all confidence, fot: life' and falvation, in other things, .frays himfelf by faith on Jefus Chri(t and his righteoufnefs ; tru.lling on him, that he !hall have lif~ and falvation through his