Boston - BT155 B677 1755

-310 The Faith ofParticular &c. '\Vhy, God bath appointed it to be tHe means of union with Chrifi, may be learn'd frotn Rom.. iv. 16. ' / c Therefore it is of faith, that it might be ·by grace ;' of which before. Here I Jhall only obferve, That this 'rrujling only on Chrifi and his righteoufbefs, for his whole falvation, is an apt means or infl:ru~ n1ent of union, betwixt Chrifi the party trufted, and the foul trufl:ing on him : forafmuch as the foul is therein carried forth unto · him, that from that mo– l11ent, ' tis thereby, as it were, wholly to fiand or fall with him ; as the fuperfirucrure with the foundation, the leaner with the leaning-flock; the thing relying, refl:ing, fraying upon another thing; with the flay or bafe on which it is laid. Wherefore the objeCt of faith being infallible, ' They that thus trufi in the_ Lord fhall be as mount Zion, which cannot be re"'· m0ved, but abideth for ever,' Pf.::dm· cxxv. 1. There~ by they are united to Chrifi, and being united to him a!"e perfonally eilfiated in the ' .ovenant, to their eter~ nal falvatioa, ' / / • , . •· ~ ., ·.· .