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' 1t 3 . A MEMORIAL concerning PE R:S o..;; N A L and F A.M I L Y- FA s T 1 N ·G 'apd H u M 1 L I AT 1 b N, pre1et~ted tq Sainli and Sinners~ . \vherein allo. the Nature of P·E RSON AL Covenanting · with Gon, is 0~cafionally opened. · .. Zech. xii. 12. And ihe land foal! mout-n, every fa•_ mily apclrt. C H A P~ t. Of.Perfonai and Fam1ly-fa~ng qnd Hu~nillation in the general. R. ELIGIOUS Fafis, kept in fectet by a particular . perfor;, apart by himfelf; . and by a parti'cular family apart by themfelves, concerning which this Memofia! is prefented both to faints and finners, ure · :n·ot indeed the Hated and ordinary duti~ s of all times~ . to be performed daily, or at fet times I ecur'riri:g; fuch as prayer, praife, and reading of the word are : but they are extraordinary duties of fome times; arid to be performed occafionally' as d~pending ii1tirely' ill ' refpeet of the exercife of them, .on the call of Ptovi- · dence, which. is variable~ . · They are authori.fed, anq enjoin;cl .t1s, in ·the word ofGod: and therefore, when we ilia.Jl hrve perform– ed them~ we mufi £1y, 'We are unprofitable fervants,~ we have done that which was our duty to do ; .and _ abhor the leafr tl~ought of meriting thereby. , . ·x z. The . . ~,