I ·~14 OfFafling and Humiliation, quantity of time, in fuch cafes. It is fuffident to re~ 1blve, that, according to our ability, we'll take as Inuch time, as the work .(hall be foun4 to require. Sec6nd!y, A prop~r place is alfo to be chofen, where the per[on or family may pcr:form the duty without . - ~lifiurbance fi·om others. · Time and pl<~:~e arc natu– ral circumfi,ances of the at>cion: and all places are a– like now, under the gofpel; none more holy than a- · nothe:r. Men may pray every where, whether in the hm1fe, or in the field, ~ lifting up holy hands,' I Tim~ " ii. 8.- Only, forafmuch as family-fafl:ing is a private duty, it requires a private place; and perfonal-fall:ing q fecret duty, it requires a fecret place; according to the Gaution given us by oqr Saviour, Matth. . vi. is. ~ That thou appear not .unto men to fafi, but unto thy" Father which iSJ in heaven.' . rhird!y, Abflinence is included ·in the nature of the things ab.fiinence from meat and drink, and all bo– dily · pleafi.1res whatfoever, _ as well a;; ceafing froin \vorldty bufiners~ The JeLU$ are taxed, · for finding _pleafure anJ exaCting their labours in the dayof their fafi, Ifc1. lviii. 3· A time .of religioqs fafiin g is a time for one"$ ~ afHiB:ing his foul,~ Ver. 5· ' by denying , himielf even thefe lawful comforts andd,eHghts,whicf\ he may freely ufc at other times. Exoclus xxxiii. 4, ~ The people-'-rnomned, and no man did put on him his ornaments .' D an. i~." 3· 'I fet my face un· to the Lo~d God to feek by P• aycr and fupplications,, with fafiing, ~nd f-ackcloth and ,allies.' 1 Cor. vii; s~ 'Defraud you not rone another, except it be with <:onfent for a time, t~kt ye -may give yourfelv'es to fafli ng and prayer.' . The rule for abfHnence frotn meat and 8rink,can.. not be the fame as to all; for fafl:ing not being a part ofworfhip, but a means to difpofe and fit us for e'X· traordinary worfhipping, is to be u fe d onl y as h ~ lp- . ing thereto : but 'tis certain, that what meafllre of !t would be helpful to fome for that CJJd, would be a · great