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328 Of Fafllng and Humiliation, · and more from him ; they render it like the worm which, when one offers to tread upon it, prefentl; contracts itfelf~ and puts itfelf in the befi pofiure of defence that it can : bu-t the believing of tpe pro– claim'd pardon, · touche~ the heart of the rebel fo, that he cail:s down himfdf at ~he feet of his Sove.. reign, willingly yielding himfelfto return to his duty. : ··Fi{thly,Solemn covenanting with Gc;>d, entring in· to, or renewing, <;ovenant with him in e4prefs words. As. a fi1fi · day is a day to loofe the bands of wickcd– nefs, [o it is a day for coming explicit~ly -into the bond of the holy covenant, Jer. 1. 4· ' Going and weeping, they fhall go a.nd fe~ek the Lord their'God. Ver. .5. Saying, Come, an~ let us join ourfelves to the Lord, in a perpetual covenant, that D1all not be _forgotten.' Accordingly, this was an eminent part of their fafi-days·work, Neh. ix. Ver. j8. It follows of courfe, on due humiliation, confeffion, :md the ex– ercife of repentance, whereby the. league with fin is broken. And it lies in a folemn profeiling before the Lord, that we take hold of his covenant, believing on the' name of his Son, as the Saviour of the world, and our Saviour, and that in and through him he will be · our God, and we lhall be his people ; and that we are from the heart content, and confent to take him ·. for our portion, Lo~d, aqd Mafier, · and refign our– felves to him only, wholly, and for ever. He b. viii. Io. ' This is the covenant--- I will be to them a God, and they fuall be to me a people. Ifa. xlix. 8. ~ I will give thee for a covenant.' Chap. lvi. 6. ' ~very one that taketh hold of my covenant.' John i. 12. 'As many as rece-ived -him--. that believe on qis name.' Pfalm xvi. 2. ' 0 my foul, thou hafi faid un• – to the Lord, Thou art my Lord, Ha. xliv. 5· . One fhall flty, I am the Lord's.' Lajl;ly, Extraordinary prayer; in importunate ad• drdfes and petitions tin to our covcnanted God, for that which is the particular occafion ofour £1fi. · The, con..