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for Perfonal Fafling, &c. 33- t whom they were originally directed; to wit, Th~t 'tis failing and humiliation that was intended by them. For this epifile was written to thofe who were Jews by nation, ·' The -twelve tribes fcattered abroad/ Chap. i. I. And this is the very language of the Old Teftament in that cafe; the fame manner of expref– fion in which their prophets called them to it, Lev. xxiii, 27 ~ 'On the tenth day of this feventh month, there !hall be a day of atonement, and ye !hall affiitl: · your fouls;' to wit, with failing, If."l~ lviii. 5· 'Is it fuch a fafi that I have chofen ? A day for a man to afHiCl: his foul -?' Or more agreeable to the original; 4 Shall a fafi I will choole, a day of men's affiiCl:ing their foul, be like this?' Joel ii. I 2. ' Turn ye even . to rne-:···with failing, ~nd with weeping, and with roourning.'And the mourning required in t~e(e texts, differs from the weeping, ~s the habit and gefiures of mourners differ from their tears, Gen. xxxvii. 34· Ecclef. iii. 4· Direetly pointing unto lhe duty of· fafiing and humiliation. It is alfo required indirecrly in the word which fup– poft~th it to be a duty the faints will praetife ; inaf ... much as Divin~ direcrions are given anent it. Now, 'ris inconfifient with the hoJine[s of God, to give di– recrions for . regulating ofwill-worfuip, which he cloth fimply condemn, Mat. xv;9. Col. ii. 23. Jer.• vii. 31· But our Saviour giv~s direcrion . about perfonal fafi– ing, Matth. vi. 16. ' When ye fafi, be not as the hypocrites, of a fad countenance;. for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to faH. Verily, I fay m1to y·ou, they have their reward. Ver. ~7. But thou, when thou fafiefi, anoint thine head, and w~fh thy face: 18. That thou appear not unto men to fafi, but unto thy Father, which is in fecret ; and thy Father which feeth in fecret, lhall reward thee openly.' And ' 'tis evident, that thefe di– recrions do concern fecret and perfonal fafiing : for, befides rhat the text fpeaks expreily of tha~ which is " done