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.g.g6 . · providuzf}al Cql! · not be fo rare as it is: Paul, who had much of this ldnd ofexercife, ~as xxiv. ,JO. · was infafling often · 2 Cor. xi. 27. Kept under his bodv, and brought i; !1zt9fo.bje~.-'#on, .1 Cor. j~. 2 7. · · . . Now ~myor all of t}fef~ c.afes _call for this extraordi– nary duty' in three ki~d of events, other circumfiances .agre~ing1 aped pqjntfpg t~e.r.e~Q in l~,e c.e~d~tl: qf ,-. J?rqy~4e~1~-· . . .Eit_he.r 1.• When there is. any fp~ciaJ .evjl. aB:ually lyu\gypop. us, the FPUTCP qr o,ur ne1ghb~ur 1,n wqom ,we:; p~ye -~ rrecjaJ ,conce,rl] ; whet4er ,it be a finful Qr :~ .re,t~t~l evil. Thcr~ :~re [.orpe flqs, that le~v.e f~ch guilt qn Fhe ~:O.n(denc;, .ap4 ft?ch a de.file~cnt on the hea.rt and life, as call aloud for fafiir:g and hum~liation, in order 10 a ~ecov.ery froln the ,difin~l effeCts thereof, Jflrl?-es fV~ ,8. 'plpal~r.e . Y9:~F ·hands, ye fione_rs, ~urify y,ot;Ir l'\c<rrts? y·e dqub,~~·I)lfn~ed.' Ye~. 9· B.e a,fH1Cl:ed, ~nd l!lOUrlJ 1 anq we~p_.l 4-,.c.c~r.dingly· t)te !fraelites gathered to Mizpeh, peing fenfi9le 9f Jhe 'borp.ih~ble 1dpl~r}e~ .they had falleq ipt.o, ' f~fied .th~~ day, ancl f:aid, -)Vtf have lfhJted agafp~ ~he ~Of\d,' 1 Sam. v~i. 6. Jn lj_ke . -rn.~nner2 w.hel:} !he tq~en~ qf G.od's .high qjfp!e;afure are go ·1e put jp ttffiJcl}ngprovi.depces, _'ris tirne fpr u~ t~ r~ll gurfcl v~;; in the dul:t ; a~d fo, to :~tccomm9~ate o~r fP.iri~ :md .way to ~~e ,difpenfation, L 1m~ling' 5mr~lv,e~ P:;fot;:'f pi~ w1flt fa~ing. Thu~ ~lehemjab f<?-1.1!19 hi.:l}felf c~U~.d t.o fafl:ing 1 Qpo~~ in– ~opnatio~ reFeiyeg qf. q~e co.qti~u,ed, ryipp Rf 7crifa:· lem., anp the .afllietiOlffl}at ~he re!Wr~ep qtp!ive~ ~ere l)l_, ij'~h . !· 3, 4· Dq7.Jfq, and tho(e \yith hifll, UP?ll the q ~ws of tlje ~ef~a~ pf lffae!, ~nd the death of ,Saul ~d :fqnat/Jp,, r 2 ~all). !· ~~· anq the peop!~, up?n th.c ~oJ:?-fider~~~c.m ·pf ~11e fl~pgjlt~r wJ1ich fhe _ Berya~ 1?Jites_had ~illoryg dJ~:f!lz Judges ~~· 2q. Or 2. Wh,eq th):r~ i~ ~11-y fpecJaJ fir9k~ l~rea~t'!e4 and ' impcncpng. Thq~ the inh~qjtapts of Jerufalem;, qs:i~g in im-~i ;1~pt -~.~r.ger fr9l?l . ~R.eir! Vje 1 r 1 _p . · . ~ prov1 entia y .