, . to Perfonal Fafling, &c. · ·3}7 providentially called to weeping and motirriing, tho11 .they heeded it not, Ifa. x:!S.H.· 12, 13. But· the Nine- , · vites took fuch'an alarm; a11d comply'd'with the call ()f providence, Jon. iii. 4·-9· Sodid David, when God fir.uck his child with ficknefs, 2 Sal!l. xii. IS, I6· Yea, and fo did even Ahab, when he had he::trd'E/i• jah's heavy meifage .againfi him and his_houfe, 1 Kings ·· ·;xxL. 27. When the lion · roars, it becomes us to fear: 'vben God's hand is lifted up, and he appears to b~ about to il:rike, 'tis high time for, us to fi~ip ou.rfelves ()four ornaments, and to ly in :fil<::keloth and'afues. · Or cl le 3• When there is fome fpedal ·mercy and favour to be defired of the Lord ; as·was the return pf the Babylonijh captivity, for which Daniel kept his. fafi, Dan. ix. · I, 2, 3· Chrifiians exercifed unto go~Unefs, will rarely, if ever, want their particular fuits, and fpecial errands u11to the throne of grace. The fame God, who makes' fome ntercies faU ·in.tQ the lap of oth~rs, without their being at much pah1s about them, will give his own · children many · an errand-unto himfelf for them, ere they obtain them ; becaufe they mufl: have them·in the way of the cove... .nant; whereas they come to others, only·in the way: of_common providence, in which a blafiing curfe 'may come. along with the mercy. , · To fet this matter in yet a clearer light, we lhall exe.mplify thefe general heads, in 'one's private cafe;. / and that, in feveral infiances, ·to be accommodate to the cafe of.the church, an·d of our neighbour, by thefe who are difpofed religi~:mily to obferve and confider the difpenfa.tions of providence. There is a variety Qf thefe particular cafes, which, with agreeing cir.. cumfiances to be difcerned by eack one for himfelf, <:all for perfonal fafting and humiliation. As, Fir!l, When through a long track of finhing and care1e!S walking, the cafe of on_e's foul is left ·quite in diforder and confufiot\, I fa. xxxii. I 1. ' Tremble .ye women that are at ·ccafe: be troub-led ye caFelefs ones : y 2 ilrip