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. to perfonal Fafiing,"&c. , 339· <tbey fo wife, as to make thefe convi{tions a matter .of (oh:mn k:rioufnefs, fettihg fome' time apart on that ,occa£ion for perfonal f~LHng and humiliation, they might, through .the Dlv~ne hle.lUng, turn to a good a,.ccount, for tlae intere.£l of tl.leir fouls. 'Thirdly, When the 'confcience is defiled with the . guilt of iome atrocious £n. Doth natural guilt of that kind, .r-eqliire national fafiing? AJ).d cloth not perfonal guilt of the f~me kind, require perfonal fa!l:ing ?yea,. fure; God calls men, in that cafe, .to be tijfliEled, .and mourn, and weep, James iv. ·8, 9· &ttong dif– eafes require firong remed}es ; :and contCien~e-wafiing _guilt, de~p .hu~~liation, a:s jn, P4vid's .cafe, Pfal. , !j~ andPetet·'s, Matth. xxvi. 75: This l~nd of guilt~ deeply wounding an(,! flinging the foul, defiling and wafting thf! confcience, m<l-Y be without any f91p.da– lous enor~ities of life, appearing io the view of tt-e world~ Gqd is wi~t~efs to fecret fin~, .even to the fiil• ()fthe #e9I't ,: and men of t.ender ~on,G:iences will be uck at ~he heart, with fq.~h fins .a-s are bid from all tl;l~ worl-9, and wi!J nev~r move others. Fo~rthly, When one ·would ·fain get ewer a fi1are . ]:}c is often .caught in, and have vi&ory . over a lull: f:ha1 hath often mafier,ed him. There are not a few, 1 }ho h::we many gq0d things about them, yet /act. ()ne thi11g .: · and that one thing is lrike to part betwee~U' heaven and th~m ; marring aU their good things,. ·I?oth by way af·~vjdence, .and efficacy, Mark x. 2J. They ),{now, tpat "tis wrong; they often . refolve to ~mend; anc\ wpuldfain get·above it: but .whenevet· a qew t~mpt'!otien .come~, Satan attackh,1g them on the wea~ fi4e, down go all their refolutions, like a. bowing pigh waiJ, who[(! breaking .cometh fuddenly ;~tan infiant; and they are hard and faLl: in the fi1are again. 0 confider, that this 'kind goeth not ollt~ hut by prayer aad fafiing,' Mat.xvii.21. Set therefore fome time apart for perfonal fafiing and humiliation, 90.. the acaount of that very thing, that you may Y 3 :wn~N~ ..... .- , • ·-~ . >~""