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' . to Per}Omil Fdftln'g, &t. . . 34i Pefer; witti reiatioh .to his £iF¥; 1.rrRe xxii'. jz. ' f h'ave prayed for thee, that il!f fmth f~· r imt ' arid when th'o6 art' converted, fireilgtherl .rhf br~tl1teli: - Sixthty, When one i1 s rinde~ a[e'f~ ii-hd Jmtihirrj tlefehion, Ifa. x~i~~ ' Zion fait!, Tfit L-6hi"bath " forfc1:ken me; a'nd my Lord fiath fprgot eft me.' ThH is a more nopefnf cafe· tha·ri the-forlrter : h'ow.b'eit ir goes tp the quick, Prof. xviii. 14·' ' The fpii-it of . · I'nah \vill fufiah1 hi's infil'ntity : bu:t a woundtd-fpiiit who can bear?' There are' m\iny bitter ingredients in it', which m'ake it a for·rowtM cafe, eX:cfui'ti'1ely pain~ ful to t.he foul, like that of a wo'rriari, f6\;f.1'ke11; and grieve'd in' ,fpitit, even a wife ofyoutl'l,' rr.1. liv. 6. To · one thus· deferred, 'vrarn appears·in tlle face:6f God,; and' hnph!fr oh every dffpehfatioh; Pf~L lixxv1ii; i .. ~- To' hi's fenfe and feeling,, his prtzyer i's jbut out. Lam'; m. 8. and dailies of hell com'e int<;> his· foul.; . Pfain'l lxriviii• .15, 16. Under the prdfure hereof,:. fome very grave a.rid folid p"erfort~ ha'l}e nor beet\•.able– to col\tain' fhemf~]ves, Job' xxx. 2'8. ' I we1\t mburri..: ingwit.Hout the fun, I ftood:up, ~nd-cri~d· in the con~ gregation.' This fma-rti'ng. cle't~rt1on, in·_ grearer or1 leifet m~a·(~re, has often been· the fearful olugcing· from the dead' defertion, as' it was h.i· t'he eiperien·c~ofthefiJbufe, Carit. v. j,-•.:·7· Andl 'tis a1f6ud· cilf to p'er(ohal fafli'ng and·JJrirh'i(i-a'IJon; Marth. ix·. 15! ' Whet1· the Bride·grooln illaU be· raken froib: tllem, ~ then £hap they fafi.' . Seco»diy; When· o'ne· is' ~re'ffed witW fo'm~; out\Vrird affiiEtion, whether ih his' b6dy~ r'elaHorl~,· rfame', Jbb– fiance, or·ot~'erwife·. In fL1th' a tafe, J~b 'rent his: . mantl~, ahd ih'aved1 his 'head, arid:r-ell down upon the' ground, ann worfuipped,' J6b i. 20. and David's knees were~ weak ' through fa/ling, Pfalm civ. 24. A time>ofaffiiUioh is a- lpecial feafon for fafiing and. prayer. ·The L<:>rd often lays affliCtion-on his people, on purpote to awaken them to their duty, and as it were to neccffitate them to it: even"as Abf«km, who, / 'Y 4 havin ~')' p