. to perfonal FajUng, &e r · . 34] l.S, th~t wife rpen are often left to fignal blunders iq ~onduCl:, apd feel rp~r~s of Gqd'~ indig,nation jufi1y ~mprefi on thc:ir rafu determipations. Tpus Jojhua and the princes ofJfrael, ~n the rp;1tter of the League with t}fe Gib~onite$, finding np nee~ of the exercife of their fajth, but of rheir wit, vainly .i~agi~ing they ~ould fee well enough w~th th~ir own eyes, ' -Took . ofthc:ir yi4u~ls, and afked nq't coqnfel at th~ 111omh of the ~ord,' and w~re egr~gioufly oyer-reach'd by ~hem as they faw afterward, wpen i~ w~s too late, Jofh. ix. 14~ 22. . , . · . - · ·We h~ve f1 J?iy~ne ~ommand apq promife, extending to our t~mporal, ~s 1 Well as to our fpiritual con- •' cerns ~ apd very fqi~a.ble to the necelfary dependence: , ~e have on God in ~11 things, as creatures on their ~rearm·, Prov~ iii.. 5. 'Lean not unto thine own un– ~erfianding, Ver. 6. In t,zll tpy ways acknowledge l)im, and P,e fha~l Dil·ell thy paths.' We ough t ~herefore in all our matters, tq eye him as our direc.. 'or; and fieer oqr whole cot1rfe, as he direCts by his 1VO~~ anq providence, , Since he bath faid, I will teach thee in the way which thoq fhalt g<?, I will guiJe thee with: mine eye,' Pfalm xxxii. 8. 'tis unqueftionably our -d~ry, to ' fet the Lord always before us,' Pfalm xvi. 8 ..to reg~late our aeting, and ceafing from aCtion, , by the Divin~ direction, ev~n as the I[raelites in tlte ~ildernefs, l"et~wve4 and refied, jufl: as tl;l~ pillar of f lo:q4 and fir~··. removed or refied before them, Num.. ~x. ~s,- . 23· - . . ..· ' Sorp~~~mes indeed an a.ffair rpay be in fuch a fi~uation, as ~qows not an opportunity ofmaking an ad 4refs ~nto Qod, for light in it, by folernn prayer; but we are never f,o circum11anced, but we have accefs io lift up our, .eyes to the hqly Oracle, in a devout ejaculation; as ·Nehemiap did in fuch a fituation, Neh . ii. 4, J. And there is a pr(l)mife relative ·to the cafe, which has been ofren verified, in the comfortable ex 1 f.~rienc~ of the faints taking that method to obtain the