I . 346 DiretUons anent among 'them, i.n .order to their preparation for a fo.. lemn approach unto God in that holy ordinance. And, for the fame reafon, fecret failing by partiCular perfons apart, and private falling by families apart, efpeciaHy fuch as have not accefs to join in the publlck fafi, woulq b~ very feafon~ble on fuch an occafion. An~ jf.thefe fecret and private falls could tnore generally .obtain, and get place in congregations, fomelittle time before the com,mt.mion·workdidbegin; it would be ~ token for goo~ and rnight prove like · the noife aijd fhaldng .among the dry bones, that u .fhen:d -in the hreathipg on the flain, and the caufing them to /}an.d up 9n their{eet,' ,E~ek. xxxvii. 7, Io• . · · Thefe tnjngs duly confiG!ered, each Chrifrian may be in cafe t.o judge for -himfelf, wh~n it is, that he is under a prQ'!44.en#al Ca,i/ to perfonr:# Fa/ling and·lf~~ miliation ~ · · t s· E C T. III. · Direaions anent:perfonal Ft!/ling andHumiliatipn. . . ' . HAving feen the Divine warrant for perjonalFafi . ting and Humiliation, qnd confidered the nature of a providential call to that extraordinary du.ty; it remains to offer fome advices ,or directi<m~ for the profjt~ble managingofjt iQ. p.rct4ice~ D I R ~ C T I 0 N. . When you.find that the Lord is calling you to thi~ · duty, prudently .rpake ch9ic~ of fit tim~ and place ·for it aforeh~nd, wherein you may bctye accefs to go 3bout it without difiracrion. · And , <,:areft,Illy . difp~fe of your ordinary affairs, before that time, fo as you may have no iet nor hiri'derancee from that part, which. , you can prevent. Works ofneceifity and mercy, which are lawfully done on the Lord 's day, are much more fo in: this cafe, wherein the duty waits not on the time, but the tim.e on the duty. Yea, in c~fe fome .. thing '·