348 "' , _!Jiree!ions anont · procuring 10 h1mfelf · an opportunity of communi<fu with God in th.,at dupy, as he'll be for an opportQ~i~y of attending fome worJdly bu(tnefs ·of]1js own, plac.. ing apother i~ h~s rqom. But if .none of thefe cag effe8u,ate it ; . th.en, tho' th~ d,ay or tir:ne of labouring ' js the maf):er's~ ye.r ~ht<; q1ght or tjma of refiing ~s th~ fer-van~~ ; let him give unto Gpd w.ha! he ha$, .and jt (hall be accepted ~hrough Chril}; · l3!1r,. excepting the cafe of,a providential necf:ffity ohligingon~ to tal{e the night for this exerci(?, the day is, geperally fpeaking, · the mofi pr9per tiJ;ne (or it,. begh'lt}ing the exercif~ in the n10rning. , . P I R ~·. c T .. II. Ma~e fome prepaFation for it, 'he night before, turning your thougb~s towards. th'e . e~~rclfe you have i.n view, confiderjng of i~, , aq~l avoiding every thing ~~t hath . a .tenqenql to pnfit or -·inqifpofe for it– Shun carpal mirth 1 and feiJ('ual.-9'ilights: f~p fparing· Jy ; to eat t4e more, ~1ecaufe one is .to f4fi .religioui1i after, is to mock God, ~n.d ch~at , one's felf. In the ·~_ntervals -9f . !l~ep, take he~d, ·. that yot!r thoughts be n .ot vain, and rpuc;h rnqre that thGY be not vile ; but that they pc fpc;P, as teqd tQ fit you for the extraordi• n~ry duty in view. · D ,I R E '·GT· · Ill. · ·,· · Rife e~r1y in tbe rn,prni11g ; : even·fooner than ordi· pary; unlels t">y reafon of bodily weaknefs, that would tepd ·to. t.Infit you f9r tt1e ~ork: .;for then you. are cal.. l~d in ~ fp~cial manoer, to ·watch unto prayer, Epn. vi. I~. S.kep is a fleihly:eomfort, which .howbeit it is necdfa.ry, y~t one is in this cafe called to be fparing ~f. Therefore. the priefi&were hid ly . al111ight in fockclotb, Joel i. 13. and ·'tis recorded of A:hab, that be in his faft lay fo, . I Kings .xxi. 27. A proper ineans to mal«: one !leep ~ fparingly. - '-DIREGT~