perfonal Fafting., _349 DIRECT. IV. Affoon as you ;;twake in t_he ~orping, - 1et holy thoughts, ~itll'a view to your work, 'il}Hne~lately. haye acc,efs your heart. ,4nd beware that or worlqly thoughts get not the fi<rrt of them: for if you .aHow that, they'll be to your foul like water pou– red uppn firewood~ that makes it .hard to kindle . ·surely, if one is a~ any time to follow the example of the J>falmifi I;Javid, P(alin cxxxix. 18. When I a– wahe, I amjfi/1 '?f)ith thee, he i~ to do it at -fuch a time. , D I RE C T. V. Let your ordin.flfY dpties ·of prayer and reading of the word, be fi'rfr of ail performed: fpr eJtraordinary duties are _not to juf):~e O!Jt the ordinary, but to be fuper?dped untp -tpem. And, in f1;1ch prayer, beg_ cf God gr~ce t,o ,,en.?ble you for ~he work before you, accqrdi,ng ~-0 his promife_. yea, it may be very ex– p.edien~, th~t ther~_after ·yop go again ·qnto God by pra·yer, - p~rtic;uJarly pprppfecpy for I!i.s grace, to enable yop ~nto th~ duty .now come tq the' to. And for~fm~ch qS 'qpr corruRt hea.rts ~fe, upon a pear · :view of a 9iffi~t¥t and laborioqs hoJy exercife, very ~pt to wax faipt, anti our h~n~s to h~ng dcwn; ~ll:?eJt the way o.f t/Je· Lord is qedared to beflre~rgth to the' 11Pr~ght? .prqv. ~· 29. po yo~ therefore 1 .by all means~ fiudy to exercife faith ; and labour to be/t.epe fi;edfatl:ly t!1a.t hiJ grffC€ 0,:1~11 be.fuffir;i:entforyqu, to the m~~ing of his yoke e{lfl, tll14 his bur,den light untq you, z ~or. xii. 9• witfl f{i ,. 30. forD~ }Il~n fhalt ~ver pe abl.e to P$!fform .a qmy acceptably :qrHQGo~, witl].– put ? beljeviqg perfwa{j.qq, ji1 ·greater pr lr;:Irel· r.p.ea– fllre, ~f ;m rllow,a,nce made hi~ of grace fo!ficient for an acceptab!~ performance of it, 2 Cor .iii.4, s-. J>hH.. ii.12,13.0ne will otherwife be ~ut a 'Ulick~d and jlozh– ful foruqnf, as qurSaviour teacheth; . Mat . xxv! ~4 , 25, 26. . D I R-