' peifonalfaJUng; ' gst for this purpofe Ezra b~· ~eh. ix. Dan. ix. , Of thefe or other fcriptures of the hke na\ure, you may read . fuch as you iliall judge meet• .. Secondly, It will be expedient ·afid uleful, hi this ~afe, to read,alfo the l{lrger catechifm on the ten eom .a mands, in the anjiuer to the quefiions, What is re– quired ? And what is forbidden? And· efpecially the latter. For by reading th~reofwith application to yourfelf, you will find out your guiltinefs in many points, which perhaps would not otherwife 'come into your mind . . Thirdly, This done, apply yourfelf to think of your fins, in order _!o your getting a broad and hum..; bling view of your finful and wretched cafe. And for your'help herein, I fugge!l: to you thefe things fol~ !owing. , Firji, You may compofe yourfelf, what way yott find by experience, to be beH fo, keeping the mina fixed . . ',Tis a piece of chrifiian pruden,:e in this cafe, to difpofe of every thing fo, as you may the more~ readily reach th~t end, and block up the avenues, by which impertinent thoughts may make their entrance. A~ (1.) Becaufe the eyes often betray the hcatt, thro; a variety of objects, whkh prefent thernfelves to one's view in the light ; if you ate in a houfe, you may ly down .on your face, and dofe your eyes. (2.) If you can by nd means keep your heart at fimple think• ing, you may fpeak to yourfelf with a Io..,~ voice, that words may . help to fix the mind unto the thing. Thefe are only prudent)al advices, which they that need may ufe, they that need not may let <1lone. . Seoondly, It will be very prqfitable to ob'ferve fome method and order, in thinking of your fins. A con– fufed and ii1determinate manner of thinking of out fins, cloth, in feveral refpetl:s, fall fl10rt of an orderly thought about them. 'Tis true, when the Spirit of' .the Lord is carrying on a fpecial work of conviCtion ill th~ het1rt lofa finner, the man's flns will of courfe , z u'