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. the --Review ~fSins. . 3S5 But to proceed in .both the one and the other order jointly, namely, by reviewing each peri<?d of your lite fu'parately, in: the order of the ten commandments, w~ld, thro' -the DiVine bleffing, be of the mofi fin– gular ufe, for reaching the moil: humbling view of your whole life.' Thus far 0fthe fecond thing_fuggefled for your help to think of your fins, in order to a humbling view ofyour cafe. And for your further help therein. Thirdly, Be fure that in a fpecial manner you. ftt before your eyes the fignal mifcarriages of your life, thefe fins that have wounded your con!ciences deepeil:. I doubt tfu:re are but few, if any, of a tender confci– ence, who fee not fome fuch blots in their efcurcheon, fome remark?b]e trefpalfes ir: heart or life, that are ready to gall them on every remembrance ; tho' per– haps known unto none hut Godand themfelves. Good Eli had fuch a blot ·on him, pointed out to him un– der the hame of The iniquity which he knoweth,rSam. iii. 13. And the befl: of the faints, mentioned in fcrip– ture, had fomething,of that nature to humble them. Now, ~s ever you would be duly humbled in your exercife of perfonal fafiing, let thefe, in your review of your fins, be 9rought forth by he~d-mark, and fet before you .in the fight of a holy ·God ; and that, al– though they be freely pardoned unto you long ago: for the view of thefe is mofi likely to 'affeCl: you ; and par~oned fins, inafh1Uch as they are pardGned,, are humbling in the remembrance of them, Luke vii. 27, 38, 47· as Paul's pardoned blafphemy and perfecu– tion were to him, 1 Tim. i~ 1 3• · Fourthly, In thinking on your fins, take along with you the aggr,avations ·of them. Reprefent to yourfelf t~e infinite majefly of God, againil: whom you have finned: and as ever you would be duly humbled, en– tertain high and elevated thoughts of the Lord our Law-giver. This will make you to fay with David Pfal. li. 4• ' Againfi thee, thee, only have; ,1 finned: • ' Z 3 , and \