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356 DireElions tment and done this e~il in thy fight ;' undeyfianding by your own expenence what he meant thereby. In your meditalion, fet God's ~vay of dealing with you, all along from your very birth, over-again£1: your way ·ofdealing with him: So fhal'l conviCl:ion be brought ' home on you~ confcience, with a peculiar edge; while confidering the mercies he bath heap~ on you, · the light and warnings he bath afforded you, your ·guil t will appear of a deepefi dy. F'ifih!y, Having thus feen your extreme finfulnefs; confider, in the next place, the ju!l: 'demerit of you'r fin, even God's wrath and curJe both in this life and that ' which is· to come. ' For becaufe of thefe things cometh the :wrath of God upon the childre~ of,difobedience,' Eph. v . 6. The law is a looking· glafs for finners, not only in its commands, but alfo in its threatnings and curfe; fhewing unto all, their curfed fiate by nature, to unbelievers what ~hey are aCl:ually lying under for their fins, and to believers _what theirs do c\eferve . And1therefore, after you have, as . before directed, gone through all the ten command.. ments, for your conviCl:ion and humiliation; do you for your further humiliation, fet your eyes upon the threatnings and curfe of that holy law a~ a covenant of works ; and fee therein your jufi deferving, fo · as That God may be juflified when he JPeaketh againfi you, and clear when ...he judgeth, Pfal. li. 4· And think with thyfelf, how thou fhould'il:, without per– adventure, eternally perijh under his wrath if he lhould proceed againfi thee according to the 1aw and jufiice ; as he hath aCl:ually proceeded againfi many, 'for thefe very fins wherewith thou art chargeable. Sixthly, In this review ofyour fins, endeavour all along, that your eye may affect your heart. In vain; will you rake into that dunghill, if fuitable affeCl:ions or emotions of heart be not thereby excited in you . ~nd thefe fuitab]e affeCl:ions are, (I.) Hatred,dete(ia· tion, and abhorrence of fin, Pfal. cxix. 128. Rom. xiia I I