, · the l,?eview of Sin. 357 x ii. 9· Wherefore, pull the maD{ from offit, rernove ' the paint and varnifh that has been lai9 over it, tha t you may fee it in its native deformity; and look on it, pntil your fiomach turn on the fometimes fweet. morfel. (2.) Grief and forrow · of heart for it, ·Pfal • . xx'xviii. 18. Let your heart be rent, in confideration of the offence thereby given to a gracious God, its contrariety to· his holy nature and will, its diiho.nour– ing of his Son, who gave himfeJf a facrifice for fin, a_nd ' grieving of his Spirit, who fanttifies us. (3. ) Holy ihame - upop the account of it, ]er. xxxi.- 19. Behold i~ as a filthy thing, the very reverfe of the ,beauty of holinefs, the holinefs of God expre£1: in his law; and be confounded at the fight. Behold it as' a bafe requital of Divine favours, and bluih before him. (4.) Se(floathing, Ezek. , xxxvi. 3 r. Purfi1e the thought of the filthinefs of your fin, till you lathe yourfelf in your own. fight., as rendered unclean all over, by 1 abominations of heart and life. (5.) A longihg to be rid of fin, the guil t, defil ement, pre– vailing, and indwell_ing ofit. Dwell on the thought of your finfulnefs, ti,ll }our heart, pai11ed and burde– ned therewith, groan out longing de fi res of deliverM ance, as Rom. vii. 24· ' 0 wretched man that 1am, who ihall del.iver me fi·om the body of this death! ' Who will draw.this dagger out of my bowels! Thi9 fling out of my confcierice! This poifon out of my fle!h! Who will take this load off my 'back! , All this wo'uld be no more than n'eceffary humilia· tion: For it will. be the lot of every finnJ~r, either h1. t im_e or in eternity, to be like the fi{h that's boil;d in \ ' the water which it fometimes a day fwim'd in. But ' ' ~ bleffed are ye that weep now,' Luke vi. 21 ; ' Wo' unto you that laugh now : for ye !hall mourn and weep,' Ver. 25. ' ' ' Laftly_, It will be very neceffirythat the whole ofthis ' work be mixed with devout ejaculations. For, be fure, Satan will be at your right-~and, to refifl: you, Z 4 and