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I gsfl 1 Direllions an~nt and to mar your work: your heart will be ready to mifgive you in it, to frop, and turn afide : therefore prefs forward in it, lifting your eyes, every now and j;hen to the Lord for help. 1 With this reviewofyour own fins, let a view of the . publick fins of the church and land wherein you live be joined; ufing the fame helps, as in your own par– f;icubr car@, which nt:ed not be here repeated. And in relation to this, I fubjoin only t>hree advices. Firfl, Begin always with your own fins: even tho' the principal caufe of your fafi be the fiate of the church or land. This has been the manner of the faint~, Jfa. vi. 5. Th~n faid I~ W o is me, for I am undon~, p~~aufe I am a man of unclean lips, and I d:well ip. the midfi of a people of unclean lips.' Dan. he. 20. ~ 4nd whiles I was fpeaking, and praying, ;md confeffingmy fin, and the fin ofmy people Ifrael.' The r~afon hereofis manifefi! for one will never be duly humbled for the tins of others, who is not in the firfi pla~e fo humblep for his own. S~condly, R~pref~nt publkk fins to yourfelf, under fuch notions as m~y teng to r;xcite fuitable affecrions find emotions ofh~~rt in yoq, Look on them as they are di{bonouring to a grqciou$ God,wounding or ruin· lng to -the foul$ ofm.en, ~ifgra~eful to our holy chri~ fHan profeffipn, and provoJdng God to wrath againfi: th~ hind. Hate and lothe them, be afham'd of them, ~nd mourn over 'them, gn thei'e accounts ; and long for the day of pqrging them away. ' , Laftly, See your own finful part in them, by all :p1eans. Bring them home to your own confcience, before t~hc Lord' fean::h out, and fee, what of the ~uilt 'thereof you, either· direCl:ly or indireCl:ly, ~hargeable with', in his tight; and be deeply humbled fgr the fame• .Thus f"r of th~ review of fin. DIRECT~' \