the Review of fin. · 361 · ~bougbts and aCl\ons, with the ddigna~ion of time. place, and perfons, ro as m::~y tend t~ one_s de~per h_u– miliation. which would not be to edJficatwn, m foetal . ' prayer. . I · Now, it? or'der to yo_ur being the more full a~1d par- . ticular in your confeff1on, I would recommend the .fiune method and order to be obterved therein, as in the review of your fins. I believe, that, fo doing, you· \Vill find the advantage ofit. Go orderly thro' the feveral periods of your life, and thro' all the ten com– mandment j, making your confeffi,on ; where .alfo you may take in the confeffion of publick fins, alway fo as may befl: tend to the farther humiliation of yourfdf: In a fpecial manner, be very particulat: as to the fig- .nal mifcarriages of your life : and .aggravate your guilt, acknowledging the aggravating circumilances thereof. And unto the confeffion of your known fins, again£1: all the ten commandments, add a humble ac– knowledgment of a large void-and blank to be left for your unknown fins againfi every one of them ; which y~:m can by no me~ns fill up, but the ,a.ll-'knowing \ God can: for, '\V;ho can undedl'a1<1d his errors?' Pfal. xix. 12. And confidering the commands of the per– fetl: law, as binding you to embrace the gofpel, confefs your atrocious guilt in finning\againfi the remedy of fin, therein revealed, offered, and exhibited unto you. ' Fifthly, It ,will be profitable, that all alon_g thro' / your ~onfe.ffion, you approve ()f the law, as holy,juft, and good, Rom. vii. 12. For as black cloth bell: appear, when f~t by white; Jo fin appears moll: clearly in it$ native hue, exceeding finful, when fet over again!l: the pure, holy, juH, and good commandment. As, for exampie, when you are to confe~ your fins againfl: !he firfl: commandl,Uent, you may fay to, this purpo(e, Lord, thou commandefi me, faying, Thou {halt have no other gods before me. I acknowledge, This thy comrnaqd is moll: jufi and reafonablc in itfelf, and n~ofi good for ~e. It was thou alone who madefi it, thou