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/ I '302 Direilions anent - thou alone hail: preferv'd tne.--I never needed ana• ther God befide's thee, and none but thee could1 ever do the part of a God to me ;-thou diclfl: magnify thy rich grace, in condefcending to be, in Chrifl a God to me a moJl: wretched creature. Neverthelefs, over the belly ofthis law oflove, my duty, and my interefl: I have had many other gods before' thee: I have fet up my curfed felf. in thy room and fiead,-- made the vain world my God,-&c." And fo in otherq.fes. ·Laflly, Let your confeffion be clofed with felj -tofl· demning, (elf~emptying, and a look offoith. " Firfl, Conde~11n yourfelf, as did the returnipg p ro– digal, Luke xv. I 8. ' Father, I have finned againll: hea\ren, and before thee. V er. 19. And am no me>re worthy to be called thy fon.' As you Jook'd to the commandments before, and confefi your fin; fo look now to the threatnings and curfe of the law, and con~ fefs your jufi delerving. Read there your defaved doom, and pafs fentence againfi yourfelf. Nothing is more natural, than that now you call yourfel f fool and beafi, for that you have followed the wild· fire of your corrupt inclinations, to the my ring of yourfelf thus in fin and guilt; and have broken over the hedge, . where. now you find the ferpent biting you. J\nd here. Firfl, Confets you deferve no good, but all evil, in .time. If the caufe of your fafi be f~me evil you are . at prcfent finarting under, acknowledge God to be ju11, \rery juf1: in· it. If it is fame firoke threatned, and hanging over ..-your head, confefs that you well deferve it fuould fall on you in its1full weight. Ifit is ligkt you ,want, confefs you deferve to be left in ,darknels: or, whatever be the mercy you co11;1e to make fupplication for, acknowledge from the heart, that you have forfeited it. Sure1y, in cafe your un– circumciftd heart be humbled, you will accept of the punijhment ofyour iniquit.y, Lev. xxvi. 4 1 .And then, if your fin has found you out, you will own tl,1e pro– cedure agaiufi you to be righterJUs and holy : if your broken