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the ConfeJiion ofSin. 363 broken bones fmart, you'll fay, 'tis jufi : if the Lord · has turned his former fmiles into frowns, mixed your comforts with gall and wormwood, fowring them fo as to fet your teeth on edg~, blafied your enjqymentsp and fqueez'd the fap out of them, you will,after confeffi– on offin, f<ly from your very heart,my folly makes itfo. Secondly, Confefs you deferve eternally tO p tTi!h, and that it is of the Lord's mercies you ar._e not tJonju– med, Lath. iii. 22 ~ that God might, in j u!l:ice, wrap ypu up· in the filthy garments of your fin, and cafl: . you QUt of his fig4t, into the ' lake burning with fire and brimfione,' as the fittefi place for fuch aJinfu! _lump. Acknowledge yourfe)f to be, in youdelf, a wretched creature jufl:ly ·under the curft and condem· natory fentence of the law, having nothing to fay for yourfelf, at the bar of jufl:ice, whx it may not be fully -execmed againfi you, a felf·condemned, as well as a law-condemned 1inner, Pfalm li. 4· Whatever your .ftate be in the fight ofGod, 'tis altogetherju!l:, that your libel againit yourfelf, be not concluded without this. Secondly, Be emptied of yourfelf, in a humble and , hearty acknowledgment of your utter inability to belp . yourfelf. Having taken a view of the load of fin lying upon you, and laid before the Lord tl!e particLilars of your burden, with the finking ~eight thereof; ac– knowledge that it is quite beyond your power to move iffrom off you. Say from the heart, ' Lord, here's a load of guilt lying upon me, which·by no doing or fuffi:ring ofmine, can be removed : here's a migh– ty power of fin, I am no more able t<;> grapple with,– tha~n a little child with a giant; a dead weight,' I can no more remove, than I can remove a mountain,. If thou leavefl: me under it, as jufily thou mayefi, I perifu.' This is true humiliation, when the poor broken ' ~nner lies at the Lord's feet, fCnfible, that he is bound with ten thoufand cords of guilt, but unable to loofe the weakefi of th~m; that his foul is prey'd 19pon, and like to be devoure~, by~ fwarm of living lufis