- 364 ' , t DlretJions anent , I luils, . Y~t unable to kill or {hake off any of them. If we are duly humbled, our humiliation.will be carried thus far: for~ 'tis the ruin ofmany, that they fee not the ab.folute need of the blo<?d ofChrift, for removing of their guilt; and £1r lefs, the abfolute need ,of his Spirit, for breaking of the power of fin in them. · Lqjl!y, Let there be a look of faith out of the low dungeon. Look untoGod in Chrifr, and fay, ' God be merciful to me a finner,' Luke 'xviii. 1 3. And turn · thou me, and I foal! be turned, Jer. xxxi. 18. Tell him, That fince, according to his holy gofpel, the.re is yet hope in Ifrael concerning this thing, you muil: and will take the benefit of the gofpel-pro~lamation of grace and mercy, and lay hold on the horns ofthe altar : and therefore, ,thb' your weight be heavier than mountains of brafs, you do, with humble confi- , dence, at tl\e Father's bidding, lay it wholly overon · . the blood of his Son the Lord J efus Chrifi, trufiing thereon allenuly for remiffion of fin, fancrification, and complete falvation. Now, as to the two direCtions lafl: mentioned, I m~an not, that whnt is propofed in either ,of ,dlem, nm£1: needs be d9ne all at once, without intermiilion• . You may ufe them, as you are bell able toreach them. lt is not very likely, that thefe, who fpent one f~urth part of the day, in confef!ing and worjhipping, Neh. ix.3. did make but on.ce confeffion continued without intermiffion. So you may rrrake fuch intermi!Iiona in either or both of them, as you find neceifary. Chri– fl:ian prudence mufl: direCt: in the matter, to ufe the n1eans, fo a~ may befi conduce to the end. I D I R E c T. VIII. I After confeffion of fih., apt"y yourfelf to the duty of perfonal~c/;venanting, explicite entring int~, or re· newing, covenant with God, by taking hold ofGcd's ecvenant ofgrace, in exprefs words. That this i$ a · neceff..1.ry part ofth.c: \york of apafonal jafl, ·may be • • · I gather - '