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366 . Dit·ellions anen't , covenant with my chofe~--David my tervant.' J: Cor. xv. 45· ' The lafi Adam.' 1 John i. 3· 'That which we have feen and heard, declare we unto you,' that ye alfo may have fel1owfl1ip with us : and truly our fellowiliip is with the Father, and with his Son J efi1s Chrifi.' The condition of it is Chrijl's fulfilling all righte· oufneft in the name ,of his fpiritual fe~d, Mat. iii. 1 5· ' Thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteoufnefs.' This righteoufi1efs was fiated from the broken covenant of works; and that)n three things; namely, perfect holiBefs of nature, righteoufnefs of life, and fatisfac– tion for fin : aJl which Chrifl did fulfil, , i,n his being born perfectly holy, livi{lg perfeCtly righteous, and making complete fatisfaction by his death and fuf– ferings. And thus the conJirion of the covet1a.,nt, on which is founded the right andchdm to the .promifcs of it, -is fulfilled already to your hand. The promife of it, rcfpell:ing Jofi finners, . is the promife of eternal life, in its full latitude, compre• bending all things necelf.1ry to make a finnev holy and 'happy; that God in Chr!fl will be their God and they {hall be his people, Tit. i. 2. 'In hope of~ternal life, whi eh God that cannot lie, promifed before the world began,' Heb. viii. Io. This is the covenant,-- .. ~ I will be to them a God, and they !hall be to me a people.' And it is begun to be fulfilled to all, who have taken hold of the covenant; and is ready to b~ ful · filled unto all, who yet iliall take hold thereof. 1 This covenant is the plan laid by infinite wildom for the falvation oflofi finners; upon which they may fafely venture themfe1ves, for ' time and eternity, as upon a bottom infallibly fure, 3· ' I wiJl make . 'an everlafiing covenant wit~ you.' (Heb. ' I will cut to you an everla!ting covenant) even the fure mercies of David.' 1 Cor. i. 23, 24. ' We preach Chrifr ·--– Chr1fr the power of God, and the wifdom of God.' It is heaven's device for repairing th,e 1ofii we fufiain'd by