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perfonalCovenantz"ng. . 367 by Ada1!l's fall, wh,ereby we become unholy and mi– ferable, lying in ignorance which we could not cure, under guilt and the curfe which we could not remove, and under bondage to fin ·and Satan which we could not break, Ver. 30. ' But of him are ye in Chriil: Jefus, who of God is made unto us wiKiom,. 2.nd righteoufi1efs, and fancrification, and redemption., The great dejign of it, is to exalt the · free .grace of Cod, in the falvation of finners; to £hew therein th~ exceeding riches of his grace to them, in Chriil:. 'l'is a plan laid for cutting off all ground ofboafiing fr01n the creature ; to make Ghrifi all, and the creature nothing in its own falvation, as being indebted to free gt¥tce for the whole the.reof, Eph. i. 6. ' To the praife of the glory of his grace/ Chap. ii.7. ' -That he might fhew the -exceeding riches of grace, in his kindnefs ' towards us, through Chrifi Jefus. Ver. 9· Not of works, lefi any man fhould boail:.' 'Tis much like unto a contraCl: of marriage, devifed and drawn by a wealthy and wife phyfician, of his· 6wn proper mo– tive alone, between himfelf & a poor woman, drown'd in debt, .weak and \yitlefs,. and withal over-run with lothfome fores, rendring her to do any thing, wherher for her own relief, or for his fervice: and this, upon a defign to have her wholly indebted to him for her relief, the payment of her debt; the management of her perfon, and her recovery for ac– tion and bufinefs. This covenant is offeredand exhibited to you,\ in the gofpel; as really, as that,contract drawn and fign– ed by the phyfician, would be offered and exhibited to the woman, if he fhould come and prefent it to her, for he.1.r acceptana, Rom. x. 6. ' Say not in thine heart, Who £hall afcend into heaven? (that is, to bring Chrifl: dowri from abQve.) V€f. 7. Or who £hall de.. .fcend into the deep ? (that is, to bring up Chrill: a.. gain trom the dead.) Ver. 3. But what faith it? The A a }VOrd