\ - 376 . DireEiions anent tion to yourfelf, and accordingly to trufl on him as the Saviour of the world, and your Saviour, in whom · God will be y0ur God, and you fhall be one of Ms I • people, unto your falvatwn from fin and ftom wrath. ' Mark i. 15. ' Believe the g'ojpel. Gal. iii. 2. 'The hear– ing offaith. I The!f. i. v. ' Our gofpel came not un- , to you in word only, " b~lt alfo in power, and in the holy Ghofr, and in'much affurance! 1 Cor. ii. 4· '' In demonfiration of the Spil\it and of power.' Ver. 5• 'J'hat your faith il10uldfiand-- in the.powe'r of God. And Atl:s xvi. 31. ' Believe on the Lord Jefus Chrifi, and thou !halt be faved . ' PfaL xxxvii. 40. ' He !hall fave them, becaufe they trufr in him.' And i'i. 12. ' Bleffed are all tht!y that put their truft in him.' ACts xv. n. ' We believe th~t through the grace of the Lord Jefus Chrifi we fhall be faved.' This believing, or crediting the \t;ord, and truiling on the Perfon, of Chrifi, is that ,whieh of all things is farthefi removed from the nature of a work, according to the fcripture ufe of that word; and theref9re is the mofi agreeable means of U1ving entrance into that covenant, which is ' of faith, that it might be by grace: not ofworks, left any man lhould boafi.' . \ A finner, being by his b~lievingon Chrifi, united to him as the Head of the covenant, is thereby perfon– ally entred in to the covenant ; fo as, in his right,. to have a faving intereH in the ·condition, promif<~ and privileges thereof unto his eternal falvation : even as becoming, through natural generation, children of Adam the head of the covenant ofworks, yve are pBr~ fonallv enter'd into that covenant ; fa as to be involv- ; .I ' ed in the guilt of the breach ofit, and laict under the curft thereof: Rom. v. 19. ' For as by one man's difobedieticCi! many were made finners, fo by the obe– d ience ofone fhall many be made righteous.' John x . 9· ' I am the door : by me if any man enter in, he {hall be faved.' Eph. iii. 17. ' That Chrifi may dwell in your hearts by faith / ' . Upon