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pcrjonal Covenanting. . 37I Upon this believing on the JJarne of Chrii1, c:i·edit– ing anti trolling in manner faid before, do neceffari– ly follow, an abfolute confent take him for our Hut:. band, He~ d, and Lord, and God in him for om· God ; an unconditional renunciation of ourfelvts unto him, foul a'hd body, to be his only, wholly, and for ever; with an illimitated renunciationlof all other for him: ev~n as, in the cafe before pur, upon the wo·man's bctlieving the reality of the offer of the contrat1: of . marriage between the phyfician and her, and accord-. ingly, that he will indeed be her hufband, \ follo·w·s her confenting to take him for her hufband, head and lord, giving up herfelfunto him, and renouncing all other for him, .abfolutely, conditionally, without li– mitation or refervation ; the which fhe can never do till once ilie believe that. And thus, to the word of 1 grace, the covenant offered ftnd exhibited in the gof– pel, ' I will be to them a God, and they fhall be to me a ' people,' the believing foul anfwereth, as ni1 eccho, ' My beloved is mine, and I am his; Cant. ii. 16. Secondly, Havingunderllood the covenant aright, together with the way and manner of being perfonal– l;y and favingly entree! into it, examine your felf anent it impartially, as ever you would make fure work, in this weighty matter. Enquire into your fenfe ofyour 11eed of the covenant, your belief ofir, and the difpo.– fition of your heart towards it. And upon, thefe heads, ' pofe yourfelf with thefc.t or the Hke quei1ions. · ' In the firjf place, 0 my foal, do I verily believe, That I was loll:; rqined, and undone in Adam, by his brea~ing of the covenant ofworks; and, That I have ruined myfelf more and more, by my actuaJ tranf– greffions ? 1 Do I believe, That I am by nature, whol– ly corrupt and finfu1, averfe to good, prone to evil, and ju1lly laid under the curfe, binding me over to the revenging wrath of God for tirne and eternity? Am I convinced, That I am utterly unable to help myfelf in whole part, out of thi:s gulf of fin and A a 3 m.i·