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372 ' Direl1ions antnt mifery into whic.h I am plung'd ; and, That I mutt needs periili under the guilt, dominion; and pollution ofmy fin, without being jufiified~ or fanetified, for ever, if I be not relieved by heaven's.own hand?'~ ' Next, 0 my foul, do I believe, that there is ,a co– Yenant of grace, for the reliefof lofi linners, efiablHh– ed between God the Father, and his S9n Jefus Chrifi; ~s fecond Adanr, wherein upon condition of Chrifi's fqlfilling all righteoufnefs, as a publick Perfon, is pro– mifed eternal life to them, that God in Chrifi will be their God, and ' they fh.all be ~is people ? Do I believe, that this is the plan and device of heaven, for life and falvation to lofi finners, for making of them holy, and for making of them happy ? Do I believe, that Jefus Chrifi hat~, by his holy birth, righteous life, fatisfaCtory death and fufferings, per– formed that condition of the covenant, and thereby purchafed and fecured the benefit thereiq promifcd, for poor finners ? 'Then, do I indeed believe, that this covenant already fulfill'd in its condition, and certainly fulfill'd in its promife, is, in Chriji .crucified, really offered and exhibited to me, !n the gofpel; and that I am called to the fellowlhip ofit in hirri ? And then, do I verily believe on the name of Chri'fi cruci– fied, offered and exhibjted to me, as the great High– Prie!l:, who, by the facrifice of himfelf, bath made the attonement, pay'd the ranfom, and brought in ever· lafl:ing rightcoufnefs for poor finners? That ~s to fay, · (I.) Can I credit his word of grace to me, ,that he with his righteoufnefs will be mine, and in him God will be my God, and I iliall be one ~f his people ? [2.] I ~ ·And can I as on a fafe bottom, trufi on him as · my Saviour, that in him it iliall be fo unto me, to_my cte~:nallife and falvation, to the making of me holy and happy ? - . , , . ' Finally, 0 my foul, how do I like the covenant? ·.Am I plcafed with the frame Gf it, wh<treby ChrHl: · · was . .,