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.. ' perfonal Covenantzng. 373 was from eternity appointe~, · not only the Priefl: of the covenant, to fulfil the condition ofit, but alfo the Prophet and the King thereof, to adminifier it l And, can I find in my heart to acquiefce in that device for falvation, ,as all my falvation, and all my defire~ for making me holy and happy? Am I content to take ·chrifi the Son of God, for my only Priejl, Surety, Jnrerceifor, and Redeemer; and in him, the Father fo.r my Father, and the holy Ghofl for my Sanctifier ; God in Chr,ijl for my God ? Am I willing whoJ Iy to refign myfelf, foul and body, to him, to be h'lVed by his blood alone, renouncing all confidence in my own righteoufnefs, doings, and fufferings ? Am I content to take him fm: my Hetfdand Husband ? ParticularlJ, Am I content .w take him for my alone Prophet, O– racle, and Guide; to refign and give up myfelfwhol– ly to him, to be taught, guided, and directed in all things, by his word and Spirit ; renouncing mine own w.ifdom, and the wifdom of this world ? Am. I con– tent to take him for my alone King and Lord? to re... fign myfelfwholly, foul and body,unto hirn to be re– feued by his power from fin, death, the devil, aqd' this prefcnt evil world, to ferve him for ever, an.d to be ruled by the will of his command, as to my duty; and the .w'ill of his providenc_e, as to p1y lot ? And am I heartily content to part with, ~nd renoun~e e– very known fin, and particularly tha,t wpich mofi ea- · fily befets me ; together with my own tooiiili will, & · all other lords bdides him ; without refervation, and without exception his crofs? And am I really. as in ]Jis fight, willing to have difcovered unto me, and upon qifcovery to part with every fin in me ,that I know not ?' .. . • Now, howbeit alJ doubting, as to . fuch of thefe points, as are point~ of faith; and every the leafi Je– gree of averfion to the contenting, refignation, and 1 renunciation, is fin before the Lord, and needs to Qe purged away l:>y the Redeemer's blood ; yet t,hey A a 4 eught