374 . \ Dir(t/ions an'(nf ought not to flop your proceeding, unlefs they be predominant over your belief and ·willingriefs in the matter, Mark ix. 24. Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief.' Gal. v. 17. ' The flefh lu!l:eth againit: the · fpjrit fo that ye cannot do the things th~t ye would,' namely, in 'that perfetl:ion, . that ye fain would do them. But indeed, if they are predon1i.. nant, keeping your mind and heart quite unfettled, and wavering li-ke a wave of the fea, that bath no~ thing to fix it; one cannot advife proceeding in that; Cqfe; for that would be to lie unto the Lord, with a witnets. James i. 6. ' For he-that wavereth is like · a wave of the fea, driven with the wind, and tofTed. ' V er. 7· ' for let not that man think that he !hall re– ceive any thihg of the Lord.' Howbeit, a fincere b~lief and willingnefs in thefe points, may indeed wav~ er like a fhip at anchor, which is frill held ran in the: place, notwithfiandimg of,all its wavering therein. And one may take hold of God's covenant of grace, unto falvation, even with a trembling hand. Lajily, Having in your [elf-examination, fatisfied your confcience, as to thofe points, 1 go unto God by prayer, and therein folemnly, anq in exprefs words take hold of t~e covenant : the which may be done, in words to this purpofe. . ' 0 Lord, the God and Father of our Lord Jefus Chrifi, I confefs I am by nature a lofi finner, wholly · corrupted, and laid under the curfe, in Adam, thro' the breach of the . covena~t ofworks; and have ruin· ed myfelf more and more by my actual trarifgreilions innumerable: I am convinced and QO acknowledge, That I am utterly unable to help myfelf, in whole – or in part, out of this gulf of fin and 1nifery, into which I am plunged; and that it is beyond the reach ofthe whole creation, to h~lp me out ofit: fo that I mufi inevitably peri~ for ever, if thine own firong hand do not make help to me.' _ ~ But forafmuch as, there is a covenant of grace, for