-perfonal Covenanting. 375. for life and falvation to loft finners, efiabli!11ed be– tweetl Thee, and thine own Son, the Lord J.efus Chri!l as fecond Adam; wHerein, upon condition of his ful– filling all righteoufnefs, which is now performed in his having been born .perfectly holy, lived altogethoc righteoufly,, and made perfeCt h1tisfaC\:ion to Jqfl:ice by his death and fufferi'ngs ; thou hafi promifed, that thou wilt be their God, ·and they !hall ~e thy people, to the making of them holy and happy for ever: and that this covenant is,- in ClJri!l the head thereof, of– fered and exhibited to me, in ,thy gofpel; and thou callefi me into the fe~lowfhip of it, ' in him. ~rherefore, upon ,the warrant of, and in obedience to thy command and cal!, I, a poor perifhing finne,r, do take hCJld of th~t Covenant, for life andfalv~tion to me; believing on the name of Chrifl: crucified, the Head thereof, offered & exhibited to me, as the great High– priefi,who1 by the facrifice of himfelf, hath made at• tenement, paid the ranfom, and brought in everlafHng righteoufncfs for poor finners. I credit his word of grace to me, and accordingly trzdl on him, that he with his righteoufnefs will be mine, and that in and through him, . Go~ 1Wi~l be iny God,, and I ~ali be one of his people, to the making qf 11;1e holy and hapPY for ever.' , , , . . ' 0 my God, I do by thy grace acquiefce in that · covenant, as my falvation, aJ;ld all my defire. With my whole heart and foul, t-he Son incarnate is my ·_ only Priefl, my Surety, my Interce!for, and my Re 7 deemer; and in him, the Father my Father, the Ho– ly Ghofl my SanHifie'r; God in Chrifl my God. I re· fign myfelf, ,foul and body, to him, to be h'!Ved by his blood alonet; renouncing all confidence in mine own righteoufi1efs, doings, and fufferin.gs. With my whole heart and foul, he is my Head and Hus– band. And I am his only> wholly, and for ever; to live by him, to him, and for him. I take hilll for my alone Prophet, Oracle and Guide; give up my- . felf